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沃尔什和联合工会激战正酣,而伊比利亚却对此不感兴趣。Iberia seems unmoved by Mr Walsh's fight with the union.

他现在肯定已经把目光转向了西班牙的伊比利亚航空,或者干脆放弃这个计划。He must now turn his attention to Iberia of Spain or be left behind.

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弩弓在伊比利亚摩尔地区十分普及,无论贵族平民都颇为钟爱。Very popular in Moorish Iberia , the crossbow is used by peasants and noble alike.

由合并而带来的成本降低和收入增加将有助于减轻英航和伊比利亚痛苦。Cost savings and revenue gains from a merger will help BA and Iberia mitigate the pain.

圣地亚哥骑士团以西班牙为基地,曾积极投身于将摩尔逐出伊比利亚的光复革命。Based r in Saain, the Knights of Santiago are charged with driving the Moors from Iberia.

在去年11月,西航宣布要和英航完成合并。Iberia is trying to complete its merge with British Airways, a deal announced last November.

比如,伊比利亚对单次航班统一收费75欧元,故往返程的费用将是150欧元。For example, Iberia charges a €75 flat rate for every flight, so a return trip will cost €150.

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马克斯自从在新伊比利亚罗比查乌克斯兽医诊所出生后,就一直看同一名兽医。Max has been visiting the same vet since birth at the Robichaux Veterinary Clinic in New Iberia.

马克斯自从在新伊比利亚罗比查乌克斯兽医诊所诞生后,就始终看统一名兽医。Max has been appointmenting the aforementioned vet back birth at the Robichaux Veterinary Clinic in New Iberia.

在上个月的考古学大会上史丹福是这样告诉他吃惊的同行的。"They were from Iberia , not Siberia, " Stanford told startled colleagues at an archeology conference last month.

此次暴风造成至少两人死亡。据报道,龙卷风袭击了路易斯安那的伊比利亚教区,使其成为受灾最严重的地区。At least two people were killed. The most extensive damage was in Louisiana's Iberia Parish where a tornado reportedly touched down.

机组人员在去年秋天由于薪酬问题继续罢工,但通过和西班牙航空进行谈判后,他们获得新合同,也承诺洽谈期间不会罢工。Cabin crews went on strike last autumn over pay, but are currently negotiating a new contract with Iberia and have pledged not to strike while the talks continue.

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但这是他首次透露,近几个月来英航和伊比利亚航空内部一直在就潜在并购交易的范围和性质进行详细讨论。But this is the first time he has revealed that detailed discussions have been going on within BA and Iberia in recent months regarding the scope and nature of possible deals.

西班牙穆斯林的被驱逐最后解决了长达800多年的再征服问题,伊斯兰文明在伊比利亚半岛降下了帷幕。The expelling of Muslim from Spain ultimately solved the problem of reconquering, which lasted more than 800 years, and meanwhile Muslim culture dropped its curtain in Iberia peninsula.

该报导公布的前一日,英国航空和IberiaIBLA.MC表示,它们已经确定在合并完成后,将要追逐的合适收购目标,并计划扩张亚洲市场.The interview was published a day after British Airways and Iberia IBLA.MC said they had identified possible acquisition targets to chase once their own merger completes, targeting Asia for expansion.