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他是职业外交人员。His profession is diplomacy.

诶呀呀,看来我们的外交努力失败了。Well, I’d say diplomacy has failed.

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这就是外交工作的真谛。That is what diplomacy is all about.

公众外交在中国勃然兴起。Public diplomacy is thriving in China.

但是她的外交还是有失败的。But its diplomacy also had its failures.

这是坦率灵巧的外交。This is was plain-speaking, deft diplomacy.

我们已退到了只能依靠纯外交办事的地步。We were reduced to rely on naked diplomacy.

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对这些龙来说外交是无意义的。Diplomacy is meaningless against the dragons.

他把穿梭外交艺术发展到炉火纯青的地步。He refined the whole art of shuttle diplomacy.

教廷外交几乎同教皇的职位一样古老。Papal diplomacy is almost as old as the papacy.

答案是肯定的,但是要讲点策略。The answer is yes, always, but with diplomacy.

他是行政和外交事务方面的一个杰出人物。He was a master of administration and diplomacy.

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但恭顺外交仅能如此而已。But deferential diplomacy can only get you so far.

我们的政府选择了外交。Our govt. choose DIPLOMACY ahead of anything else.

而哪个国家又会对“高铁外交”说不呢?And who can say no to a little high-speed diplomacy?

我们通过多边外交来达到这个目的。We have pursued that through multi-lateral diplomacy.

要想在外交上取得成效,说话必须算数。For diplomacy to be effective, words must be credible.

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她是学医的,但是改行做外交工作了。She was trained as a doctor but diverted to diplomacy.

这种干涉是为了有成效的外交而拖延时间。The intervention would buy time for diplomacy to work.

这一失败是我们外交上的重大挫折。The defeat constitutes a major set-back for our diplomacy.