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在课程大纲里有完整的引用。See the syllabus for the full citation.

不过,使用这些资料需要恰当地注明来源。Use of such material requires a proper citation.

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我是从ISI科学论文引证系统知道您。I know of you from the ISI paper citation system.

因此,我对这个罚单感到意外。So I was quite surprised to receive this citation.

第六,引用研究对领域具有高度敏感性。Sixth, citation studies are highly field-sensitive.

有些辞典的编纂者用引文作例证以解释词义。Some dictionary writer use citation to show what word mean.

法律行业有其独特的引用体系。The legal profession has its own unique system of citation.

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颁给他的嘉奖令称他表现出非凡的勇气,堪为表率。His citation says he showed outstanding and exemplary courage.

卡洛琳是位扶轮基金会有功服务奖受奖人。Carolyn is a recipient of the Citation for Meritorious Service.

发起人立即造了一份遥控马达的报价单。The apostle alertly made a citation for the limited control motors.

牛津词典对该词的首次引用是在1946年。The first citation in the Oxford English Dictionary is only from 1946.

有关当局说,没有人受伤,该名男子没有收到引用。Authorities say no one was hurt and the man did not receive a citation.

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老俞的引用点燃了他宠物胃口的无限怨恨。Lao Yus citation has ignited the infinite spite of his favorites appetite.

结尾的方法有归纳法、引文法、反问法等。At the end of the methods of induction, citation analysis, rhetorical method.

为了便于引用与参考,我们将本章的九大要点分列编号100至900。Its nine points are numbered 100 through 900 for easy citation and reference.

我们感谢您对美国国家心理健康协会出版物的引用。Citation of the National Institute of Mental Health as a source is appreciated.

这个例子显示了一个被美国最高法院拒绝发放调卷令的案例引证。This example shows a U. S. Supreme Court case citation to a denial of certiorari.

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其次,利用汤姆森ISI的统计,更多的使用引用和期刊“影响因子”。Second, make more use of citation and journal "impact factors, " from Thomson ISI.

你必须用正确的引用和参考方式注明原作者。You must acknowledge the original author using the correct citation and reference.

可用脚注对文档内容进行注释说明,而用尾注说明引用的文献。You might use footnotes for detailed comments and endnotes for citation of sources.