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这是一个新的经济巨人。This is the new economic powerhouse.

十堰是我国南方汽车工业的重镇。Shiyan is an auto powerhouse in the south China.

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不过,德州仍然是一个商业的电力厂。Nonetheless, Texas remains a business powerhouse.

淘宝网是由电子商务阿里巴巴网站运作的。Taobao is run bye-commerce powerhouse Alibaba. com.

其实,土豆皮就像一所发电站,供给各种营养。It's because the skin is a real nutritional powerhouse.

土豆皮真可谓是发电厂。It’s because the skin is a real nutritional powerhouse.

但也正是她,促使了一个软件巨头英特尔的转型。She has led Intel's transformation into a software powerhouse.

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江垭电站地下厂房洞室群共有大小洞室33个。Jiangya underground powerhouse has 33 chambers in different size.

相比之下,中国的经济模式就如同富有成效的发电所。The Chinese economic model, meanwhile, is a productive powerhouse.

其旗下的NetWare系统曾经是网络操作系统的先驱。Once, with NetWare, it was the networking operating system powerhouse.

在他战死之后,瑞典逐渐成为了军事强国。After his death in battle, Sweden became known as a military powerhouse.

全面地介绍了新疆吉林台一级水电站工程主厂房排架的布置及设计情况。The layout and design of the bent structure of Powerhouse of Jilintai No.

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水电站地下主厂房的送风量很大,采用顶送风方式可避免大量占用有用空间。The volume of supply air to an underground water powerhouse is very large.

岩壁梁是地下厂房开挖中的重点和难点。Ledge beam is important and difficult in underground powerhouse excavation.

结局如何,或许在很大程度上取决于加拿大在冰壶比赛上的发挥。And that may very well come down to Canada's stature as a curling powerhouse.

表参道大街被认为是现今世界时尚界的重镇。Omotesando Street is recognised nowadays as a powerhouse in the world of fashion.

惠普作为一个技术发电站而崛起是一个被人们讲得令人生厌的故事。Hewlett-Packard's rise as a tech powerhouse is a story that's been told ad nauseam.

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我们的保险事业,波克夏的核心,是事业的发电机。Our insurance operation, the core business of Berkshire , is an economic powerhouse.

这次廉价收购可能帮助菲亚特成为全球汽车巨头。This buy-up of cheap auto assets may help Fiat become a global automotive powerhouse.

另外,俄罗斯想充分利用其石油出口大国新角色的意愿也不容忽视。So was Russia's interest in capitalizing on its new role as an oil exporting powerhouse.