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多哈去上学要走10分钟。她想当儿科医生。Douha attends a school, a 10-minute walk away, and wants to be a paediatrician.

然而,这位前儿科医生一点都不具备本拉登的非凡的领导魅力。However, the ageing former paediatrician has none of the charisma of Bin Laden.

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她现在成了一个儿科医生,在Bristol儿童医院担任肠胃病学者。She is currently a paediatrician and gastroenterologist at Bristol Children's Hospital.

我一直以来都怀疑他患上了孤独症,我们社区小儿科医生把他送去做了一个评估测试。I had long suspected he could have autism and our community paediatrician sent him for an assessment.

一位美国儿科医生声称,自己找到了一种神奇的方法,只要托住婴儿,就能让他停止哭泣。An American paediatrician claims to have found a miracle way of holding an infant to make it stop crying.

这让我们更加焦急,于是就预约了社区儿科医生给她做一个全面的发育评估。Increasingly worried, we made a date for a "full developmental assessment" with a community paediatrician.

小儿科医生玛丽亚说,影迷俱乐部拜访医院,会提升孩童的士气。Paediatrician Maria Contreras says the fan club's visits to the hospital are great for the children's morale.

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一名经过IMCI培训的护士以及一名儿科医生对每个儿童进行评估。Every child was assessed by a nurse trained in the use of the IMCI algorithm and also an expert paediatrician.

该专家发现对于出生两天的婴儿,在婴儿床上没有在他们母亲胸口前睡得好。The paediatrician found that two-day-old babies who were placed in cots slept less well than those who dozed on their mother's chest.

该专家发现对于出生两天的婴儿,在婴儿床上没有在他们母亲胸口前睡得好。The paediatrician found that two-day-old babies who were placed in cots slept less well than those who dozed on their mother’s chest.

提出这一争议性建议的是一名小儿科医生,这名医生发现,在婴儿床里睡觉的两岁大的宝宝睡眠品质比睡在妈妈胸口的宝宝要差。The controversial advice comes from a paediatrician who found that two-day-old babies who were placed in cots slept less well than those who dozed on their mother's chest.

提出这一争议性建议的是一名小儿科医生,这名医生发现,在婴儿床里睡觉的两岁大的宝宝睡眠质量比睡在妈妈胸口的宝宝要差。The controversial advice comes from a paediatrician who found that two-day-old babies who were placed in cots slept less well than those who dozed on their mother’s chest.

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医院找来了一名在别处工作的儿科医生全面接手这次调查的检查程序,斯坦福德的验尸官也被要求稍后接受对婴儿死亡事件的质询。The hospital has asked a paediatrician who works elsewhere to undertake a full external investigation, and the Stafford coroner has also opened and adjourned an inquest into their deaths.

身为一名儿科医师同时是离过两次婚的三个孩子的母亲,已故的丈夫也并非声名显赫,她是第一位在拉丁美洲国家被选举从事高级职务的女性。A paediatrician and twice-separated mother of three children, she was the first woman to be elected to the top job in a Latin American country who was not the widow of an illustrious husband.

但儿科专家托尼·沃特斯顿博士提醒我们,如果不采取措施减少我们的“碳足迹”,除了极地冰层,我们的健康也要付出沉重的代价。But while the iconic images might be of the polar ice caps melting, paediatrician Dr Tony Waterston warns there will also be a devastating human health cost unless we reduce our carbon footprint.