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纳波布莫卧儿帝国统治下的印度总督。A governor in India under the Mogul Empire.

在这种情况下,乔布斯成了走出演播室系统的大亨。In this scenario, Jobs is a mogul straight out of the studio system.

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你不只是看一个电缆约是亿万富翁说唱大亨生物。You are not just watching a cable bio about a zillionaire rap mogul.

在莫卧儿人的花园中,跌水使山川和溪流变得更迷人。In the Mogul garden, the chadhar idealizes the mountain and its stream.

这位脱口秀名嘴又一次登上福布斯年度“百位重量级名人排行榜”之首。The media mogul is back on top of Forbes' annual "Celebrity 100 Power List".

在旧好莱坞大亨塞缪尔高德温的话说,他们成群结队地待在一边。In the words of old Hollywood mogul Samuel Goldwyn, they stayed away in droves.

当时,这位媒体巨头刚刚发表完演说,在场的有他数千名支持者。The media mogul had just ended a speech to thousands of flag-waving supporters.

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在极少数情况下,辉门公司说,你可能需要手术来延长跟腱。In rare instances, Mogul says you may need surgery to lengthen the Achilles tendon.

苏珊大妈49岁生日当天,会收到这个唱片界大佬的一份价值四百万英镑的礼物。Susan Boyle, who turns 49 today, will wake up to a £4million gift from the music mogul.

莫卧儿翡翠超过200克拉,被认为是其中一个最大的祖母绿。The Mogul Emerald is over 200 carats, and is considered to be one of the largest emeralds.

这位媒体大亨身后男子的领口为他提供了一副非常不幸的背景。The collar of the man behind the media mogul is providing an unfortunate backdrop for him.

作为红雾军团的一名步兵,蒙哥可汗的目标是成为红雾军团的将军。As a grunt in the Army of Red Mist, Mogul Khan set his sights on the rank of Red Mist General.

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一位好莱坞权贵赞叹到,“如果这家伙想放把火将电影工作室烧掉,我会给他递上火柴。”One Hollywood mogul said, “If this guy wants to burn down the studio, I'll give him the matches.

星期天晚上,在中国嘉德拍卖行,电影大亨王中军收藏了此作品。It was snapped up by film mogul Wang Zhongjun at the China Guardian auction house on Sunday evening.

著名的影坛双胞胎姐姐艾什莉·奥尔森排名第37位,妹妹玛丽·凯特未能入选。Ashley Olsen, half of the mogul acting twins, placed 37th, while sister Mary-Kate didn't make the cut.

让她誉满天下的得体和实用主义会阻碍她成为显要人物吗。Will the propriety and pragmatism that got her there keep her from becoming the mogul she wants to be?

顾问们表示,特朗普跟奥巴马会面时,对白宫印象很深刻。His advisers said the mogul was impressed with the White House during his meeting with President Obama.

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俄罗斯商业巨头,莫斯科国家法律学院的辍学生。A Russian born business mogul and dropout of Moscow ATI, Roman Abramovich started off making big oil deals.

一桩海外地产交易让中国地产大亨黄怒波成为焦点人物,然而他的动机却引起争议。An overseas deal has shot a Chinese property mogul to overnight fame, but have his motives been misunderstood?

此前医生表示,这位73岁的媒体大鳄进食困难,2周内应当减少工作安排。Doctors said the 73-year-old media mogul has had trouble eating and should limit his work schedule for 2 weeks.