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煤块问。asked the coal.

一些商人以贩卖军火赚钱。He is a coal merchant.

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是我们的煤棚。That was our coal shed.

煤正在成为一种稀缺商品。Coal is becoming a rare.

船在直布罗陀上煤。Ships coal at Gibraltar.

后来我就去挖煤。Then I went to cut coal.

我不想一辈子挖煤。I won't dig coal forever.

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页岩层在煤层下面。Shale underlies the coal.

恰尔肯德邦的一个矿工。A coal miner in Jharkhand.

烛煤呈暗黑色。Cannel coal is dull black.

煤和铁都是矿物。Coal and iron are minerals.

这个地区煤矿丰富。The region abounds in coal.

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但是,挖煤是一份很危险的工作。But dig coal is very danger.

许多船在直布罗陀加煤。Many ships coal at Gibraltar.

他们经营煤碳生意。They conduct a coal business.

他们在铲煤。They were shovelling coal up.

煤气可以从煤炭中提制。Gas can be produced from coal.

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马可波罗称为煤黑石头。Polo called coal black stones.

这个可怜的人是一个采煤工。The poor man is a coal digger.

这是一列煤矿用的双轴的贡多拉车。A biaxial gondola car for coal.