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我曾发誓效忠国家!I have sworn an oath!

他是我的结拜兄弟。He's my sworn brother.

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他是我的结拜兄弟。He is my sworn brother.

他是杰克不共戴天的敌人。He was Jack's sworn enemy.

日本新外相松本刚明宣誓就职。Japan's new foreign minister sworn in.

绝无好人,轻于言誓而必心存背叛。Swear No man, light and will be sworn in.

乌呼鲁·肯雅塔即将宣誓就职总统。Uhuru Kenyatta will be sworn as president.

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林冲和鲁智深是结拜兄弟。Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen were sworn brothers.

“我发过誓。”他不耐烦地对希尔蒂说。"I have sworn a vow, " he told Hildy wearily.

我跟他是拜把兄弟,他的事就是我的事。He is my sworn brother , his business is mine.

我已经对天发誓要得到我的一镑肉。I have sworn to heaven to have my pound of flesh.

“我们誓言守护你,”莱莫尔柔声说。"We are sworn to protect you, " Lemore said softly.

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两天后内贾德将在议会前宣誓就职。He will be sworn in before parliament two days later.

大家都发誓对所发生的事缄口不言。Everyone was sworn to secrecy about what had happened.

如果他当选,他在宣誓就职的时候已经72岁。If elected, he would be 72 when sworn in as president.

噢,那是我的孩子雅各布,他和你爹是把兄弟。Why, my boy jacob and your father were sworn brothers.

我给了我师傅一张,哥哥一张,刚结拜的妹妹一张。I gave me a mentor, a brother, a sister has just sworn.

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已经发誓忠诚我必须在奴役过程中浪费我的生活吗?。Having sworn fealty , must I speed my life in servitude?

根据一条过去的传统,他成为他的结拜兄弟。According to an early tradition became his sworn brother.

这周,姆瓦伊?基巴基宣誓成为肯尼亚总统。Mwai Kibaki was sworn in this week as president of Kenya.