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他是个性情含蓄的男子。He is a man of undemonstrative nature.

李想是一个腼腆的人。Li Xiang is an undemonstrative person.

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他是个结实不露感情的人。He was an undemonstrative man, substantial.

你应当这样,“玛丽重复说,口气里透出了含蓄的真诚,这在她似乎是自然的流露。”You shall, ' repeated Mary, in the tone of undemonstrative sincerity which seemed natural to her.

有的原来是腼腆,不肯出头露面的人,却变得好动而活跃。Some is undemonstrative so, do not agree the person of appear in public, had become however move and active.

如今的这位马老板早已不再是当年那个腼腆的“小马哥”。This equestrian boss nowadays is no longer already in those days that undemonstrative " pony elder brother ".

他们描述自己表现出一种“人际关系机械化,”而且他们的配偶都很含蓄。They showed a "mechanization of human relationships," described themselves and their spouses as undemonstrative.

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他们描述自己表现出一种“人际关系机械化,”而且他们的配偶都很含蓄。They showed a "mechanization of human relationships, " described themselves and their spouses as undemonstrative.

它不仅具有社会调查学的意义,同时也对女性主义问题进行了一次不露声色的反思和追问。They are not only significant to social criminalistics , but also an undemonstrative thinking and questioning to the feminism problems.

江湖传奇与腼腆可爱的小企鹅被一个人糅合在一起,这个人就是马化腾。Legend of all corners of the country and undemonstrative and lovely small penguin are together by one individual mix, this person is Ma Huateng.

郑朝辉对记者回忆说,他当时对洪磊的感觉就是,这是一个性格内向,有些腼腆的大男孩。Zheng Chaohui says to reporter memory, he is right at that time Hong Lei's feeling is, this is one Ge introvert, a little undemonstrative big boy.

其他的人会把他们对情感的控制看作是顽固、没有感情,认为他们对情绪反应迟钝,在浪漫的事务中是含蓄的。Others will view their emotional control as hard and unfeeling, regarding them as unresponsive to their moods and undemonstrative in romantic affairs.

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改穿成衣和套装,令中产男士有时看来“欠表情”、“无个性”、“太含蓄”。The switch to ready-made clothing and the business suit has sometimes made middle-class men seem "inexpressive", "anonymous", and " undemonstrative ".

他瘦长的个子仪表堂堂,一身黑色的西装,脸上带着斯文的书卷味和大男孩的腼腆。His gangling stature is poised and graceful, the business suit of a suit black, what there are refined scroll taste and big boy on the face is undemonstrative.