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她责备他傲慢无礼。She called him on his haughtiness.

父母取笑我的高傲。My parents laughed at my haughtiness.

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正是他的傲慢无理惹恼了大家。It is his haughtiness that annoys everybody.

他的母亲由于他的骄傲自大而责备他。His mother railed at him for his haughtiness.

容忍是和高傲狂害着相思的一种病症。Tolerance is love sick with the sickness of haughtiness.

容忍对病泱泱的居傲充满了爱怜与疼爱。Tolerance is love sick with the sickness of haughtiness.

傲石砍凿愤怒裂痕。鲜花掩盖伤痕。Haughtiness chisels its anger in marble. Love covers it with flowers.

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他终于意识到是他的傲慢态度使人不敢同他接近。Finally he came to realize it was his haughtiness that held people off.

搁浅在河中的沙洲是指狂妄、傲慢或贡高我慢。Landing on a small island in the middle of the river means conceit, pride or haughtiness.

她的举止和表情显出一种令人难以容忍的傲慢。There was an expression of almost insupportable haughtiness in her bearing and countenance.

他的举动是那样的亲切,一点也不傲慢或者装腔作势。He behaved like our equal, without any haughtiness , putting on airs or something like that.

不记得怎么开始,只记得在别人的笑声中我的傲慢中画上句话。Don't remember how to start, just remember in others in the laughter of my haughtiness of paint on words.

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我知道大部分人在获得成功时会精神兴奋,过于傲慢不逊。I know that most men in the hour of success and prosperity become exalted in spirit and feel excessive pride and haughtiness.

我了解许多人在成功和处于人生的巅峰之时,往往会变的高尚,同时会过度的骄傲和傲慢。I know that most men in the hour of success and prosperity become exalted in spirit and feel excessive pride and haughtiness.

对那些无限的事物,那超乎预料的壮美来说,形容词的感染力,或者暗语的自恃能有什么用处呢?For what can the pathos of adjectives or the haughtiness of epithets avail against that measureless thing, that magnificence beyond reckoning?

在耶稣朝向天的那股良善不变的心情,与当时周遭环境所呈现出的傲慢不逊的态度之间,有著天壤的差别。There was a cosmic difference between the good, immutable attitude of Jesus who was heading toward Heaven and the haughtiness of his surroundings.

与此同时,要卑亢结合、虚实结合,适时调整接待方式,并应循序渐进、因地制宜的合理组织语言。At the same time, it is important to timely adjust ways of reception through a mixture of humbleness and haughtiness and a mixture of truth and falsehood.

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同时爱伦的脸也仅仅通过生活才养马了现在这副庄严而并不觉得傲慢的模样,这种优雅,这种忧郁而毫无幽默感的神态。But only from life could Ellen’s face have acquired its look of pride that had no haughtiness , its graciousness, its melancholy and its utter lack of humor.

保盈持泰,谦受益、满招损,那正是中国人政治哲学、人生哲学的要点。"Preserve gains and maintains stability. Modesty brings gains, haughtiness yields loss. " This is an essential aspect of the political and personal philosophy of Chinese people.

对方这种体贴的语调,柔和的声音,落落大方的态度,丝毫没有傲慢或者厌恶的口吻,完全出乎南希姑娘的预料,她哇的一声哭了出来。The kind tone of this answer, the sweet voice, the gentle manner, the absence of any accent of haughtiness or displeasure, took the girl completely by surprise, and she burst into tears.