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孔子是我国古代伟大的思想家和教育家。Confucius was a great ideologist and educator in ancient China.

郑观应是这一思想的积极倡导者。The reformer and ideologist Zheng Guanying was the exponential.

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其实,当时的一些有代表性的思想家也有着同样的论述。In fact, some typical ideologist of that time held the same view.

阿山海戈是哈萨克族伟大的哲学家、思想家和著名的哲饶。Ashankhyge is a great Kazak philosopher, ideologist and famous Jeraw.

汤显祖首先是一个诗人,然后才是一个思想家、戏剧家。Tang Xianzu was a poet first of all, and then an ideologist and dramatist.

李贽,在中国思想史上是一位富有争议的思想家。Lizhi is a famous controversy ideologist in the Chinese idealistic history.

王充是东汉杰出的无神论思想家。Wang Chong is an outstanding ideologist of atheism in the East Han dynasty.

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史蒂芬·霍金是当代世界著名的科学家与思想家。Stephen Hawking is a famous scientist and ideologist of this time in the world.

周公是西周初期杰出的思想家和政治家。Duke Zhou was an outstanding ideologist and politician in the Western Zhou period.

廖燕是清初一位非常特殊的思想家和文学家。Liao Yan was a very special ideologist and litterateur at the beginning of Qingdynasty.

孙过庭是初唐时期著名书法家和书法理论家。Sun Guoting is a famous calligrapher and calligraphic ideologist of early Tang Dynasty.

张岱是明清之际的一位文学家、史学家、思想家。Zhang Dai was a literature, historian and ideologist in turn from Ming to Qing Dynasty.

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古代思想家孔子、孟子对风水都有一套成熟的学说。Archaic ideologist Confucius, Mencius is right geomantic the theory that has a maturity.

每一种乌托邦观念都是思想家对当时政治现实的回应。Every kind of Utopian conception is the responses of ideologist to the political reality.

想想那些个历史上闻名的创作家,发明家,思想家吧。Consider of those famous great fictionist, inventor and ideologist in history for instance.

思想家越走在政治家的前面,其思想的学术价值就越高!The further the ideologist walks ahead of the statesman, the higher the academic value of his ideology!

严格来说,他们之中并没有纯粹的思想家,也没有把做学者、做思想家当作一回事。Strictly speaking, none of them are pure ideologists and take seriously of being a scholar or an ideologist.

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本文主要是对法国思想家罗兰·巴尔特的“文之悦”进行论述研究。This paper mostly studies on the pleasure of text that the ideologist Roland Barthes has produced in France.

沈从文不只是现代著名的文学艺术家,也是现代史上著名的思想者。Shen Congwen is not only a famous modern writer and artist, but also a well-known ideologist in modern history.

潘恩是18世纪杰出的政治思想家、激进的资产阶级民主主义革命家和理论家。Paine was an outstanding ideologist extreme bourgeois democratic revolutionarist and theorist of the 18th century.