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稍早,道指触及52周新高11,519.04点.Earlier, the Dow hit a fresh 52-week high intraday at 11,519.04.

日内新西兰元对美元汇率下跌超过70点,盘中低点触及0.7279。NZDUSD dropped more than 70 points to make an intraday low of 0.7279.

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金价盘中创出新高,而银价处于30年来的高位。Gold hit intraday records today, and silver traded at three-decade highs.

所以,现在,这一立场可被视为盘中或2-3天的位置。So now, this position can be considered as an intraday or 2-3 days term position.

道指最高升至12,506.06,为2008年6月初以来的最高位.The Dow climbed as high as 12,506.06, its highest intraday level since early June 2008.

可自由拆缷的底盘,方便清理盘中的烟蒂。Xie be free demolition of the chassis, and facilitate the removal intraday cigarette butts.

买卖牛熊证,须留意牛熊证可以即日「取消」或强制收回的特色。Investors trading CBBCs should be aware of their intraday "knockout" or mandatory call feature.

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但是几次双重受损使得早先的卖空未成,直到价格走势最终打破当天低点。But several whipsaws shake out early shorts until price action finally violates the intraday low.

周四股市遭遇抛售,推低道指狂跌约1,000点,录得历来盘中最大点数跌幅.Thursday's sell-off drove the Dow average down nearly 1,000 points -- its biggest-ever intraday point drop.

在新元下跌的同时,欧元兑美元汇率在经历盘中一些巨幅波动后企稳。The losses have come even as the euro has stabilized against the dollar, even with some big intraday swings.

印度股市午盘初延续早盘跌势,标准普尔CNX轻巧指数下跌刷新一日新低。The market extended decline in early afternoon trade, with the S&P CNX Nifty sliding to a fresh intraday low.

操作上,投资者可逐步加仓参与盘中的指标蓝筹热点机会。Operation, investors can participate in the progressive Opening hot blue-chip indicator intraday opportunities.

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Strazzullo预计标普500指数可能下探7月触及的日内低位约1,010点,且预计标普500指数将在1,060遇阻.Strazzullo expects the S&P could test July's intraday lows around 1,010 and sees the index facing resistance at 1,060.

标准普尔500指数一度触及10个月的盘中高位,仍有望录得连续第六个月升势.The broad S&P 500 index briefly hit a 10-month intraday high. It remains on track for its sixth straight monthly gain.

文章利用中国证券市场的日内交易数据实证了非参数ACD模型。In this paper, we have demonstrated the nonparametric ACD model on intraday transaction data of the stock market of China.

本研究以中国股票市场部分股票的日内逐笔报价与成交价作为资料来源,验证价格集聚现象是否存在于中国股票市场。This article provides the evidence of price clustering in the China stock market by using intraday quoted and traded prices.

美元兑日元攀升至85.40高点,在此之前,美元兑日元连续两天下滑。USDJPY was also trading higher, posting an intraday high of 85.40, this of course follows four consecutive days of lower closings.

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即将公布的经济数据可能会令美元在盘中时段有所波动,但预计不会改变其近期内的整体走势.Upcoming data could cause some intraday volatility but is not expected to upset the overall trend for the dollar in the near term.

美元对印尼盾也涨至1美元兑8,720印尼盾的水平,低于盘中高点8,820盾,不过仍然大幅高于周二尾盘的8,660盾。The U.S. currency also rose to 8, 720 rupiah, off its intraday peak of 8, 820 rupiah but still up sharply from 8, 660 rupiah late Tuesday.

自8月4日以来,道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数的盘中波动幅度达到了历史最高水平,一个交易日内盘中高点和盘中低点的差距平均达到585点,而今年早些时候的这一平均差距为185点。Since Aug. 4, the Dow has experienced historic intraday swings, averaging 585 points a day, up from an average of 185 points a day earlier this year.