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公寓所在地的四周用木椿围了起来。The site of the condominium is enclosed with stakes.

业主是否须缴纳其它附加公寓相关费用?Q11. Are there any other condominium association dues?

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公寓的一个单元的产权可以归栖身者自有。A unit in an apartment can also be owned as a condominium.

Katz在Mequon拥有一所独立公寓,但他很少呆在那里。Katz owned a condominium in Mequon but rarely stayed there.

共管柏文维修规则通常在公寓管理法规中详细列出。Policies on condo repairs are specified by condominium bylaws.

在那个重要的电话前一个月,我就已经卖掉了自己的房子。I had sold my condominium about a month before that eventful phone call.

共用部分是建筑物区分所有的核心问题。The co-ownership part of condominium is the key problem of the condominium.

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弗里德伯格对在亚洲建立一个由两股力量主导的社区持反对态度,他认为这是一项绥靖政策。Friedberg rejects the idea of a two-power condominium in Asia as appeasement.

我不送比萨的时候,在一个公寓楼里当保安。And when I wasn’t delivering pizzas I was guarding the lobby of a condominium.

泰勒就是这么钻进我的公寓,用土炸药把我的房子炸的底朝天。This was how Tyler got into my condominium to blow it up with homemade dynamite.

国际共管地区经常因为所属权问题发生争执。Disputes are always aroused due to ownership in international condominium regions.

龙湖弗莱明戈,不只是一个洋房,她应该是一个洋房的时代。Longhu Flamenco Garden is not just a condominium, it opens an era for condominium.

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然而,外籍人士可以有一套公寓房的个人所有权。It is possible, however, for a foreigner to own the freehold of a condominium unit.

寻找一间假期出租的公寓是最好的选择了。The best option is to look out for a vacation condominium on rent for your holidays.

凯杰买公寓给金凤住,维持两人不正当的关系。Kaijie buys a condominium unit for Jinfeng to stay in and both continue their illicit affair.

第二部分论述了建筑物区分所有权共有权之性质与法律地位。Part two, the author examines co-ownership right's character of condominium and it's law status.

第二部分是从具象层面上对建筑物区分所有权的客体和内容的讨论。The second part is the objects and content of the co-ownership right in building of condominium.

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而他也买不起一套新公寓房,因为他把所有积蓄都花在这所被损坏的公寓房上。And he could not afford a new condominium because he had spent all his savings on the damaged one.

在房租到期前一天把房租交掉了,差点被罚款。Kevin paid his annual rent for his condominium one day before it was due, narrowly escaping a fine.

特别是在公寓市场,真正的购物者可以在那里仔细挑选一个真正的好价钱。This is particularly true in the condominium market, where careful shoppers can pick up a real bargain.