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哈迪先生实际上是个贪污犯。Mr. Hardy was a grafter indeed.

这种植物是耐寒的一年生植物。The kind of plant is a hardy annual.

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“他是真正意义上的残暴,”哈迪说。"He's brutal – brutal, " Hardy said.

我看过很多劳莱和哈代拍的电影。I've seen lots of Laurel and Hardy films.

大部分士兵都是吃苦耐劳的年轻小伙。Most of the soldiers were hardy young men.

托玛斯·哈代是英国的杰出诗人。Thomas Hardy is a British distinguished poet.

珊瑚心,硬礁,昆士兰,澳大利亚Coral Heart, Hardy Reef, Queensland, Australia

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生命力顽强的种子,从不对瘠土唱诅咒的歌。Hardy seed, and never curse for Jitu sing songs.

在亚洲,猕猴桃在荫蔽条件下能生长得很好。In Asia, the hardy kiwi grows well in the shade.

挪威猎麋犬是一种勇敢的灰色猎犬。The Norwegian Elkhound is a hardy gray hunting dog.

哈迪博士说,两者正以相同的速度下降。Both are decreasing at the same rate, Dr. Hardy said.

我自祖先那儿遗传到强壮的体格。I inherited a hardy constitution from sturdy forbears.

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品牌新海关哈女性氏风月颅骨黑色手表!Brand New Ed Hardy Women's Temptress Skull Black Watch!

一些大胆的人打破池塘的冰而游泳。A few hardy men broke the ice on the pond and had a swim.

六月份时,一些针叶科植物如杜松可进行盆栽。Some hardy plants such as junipers can be potted in June.

托马斯?哈代是英国著名的小说家和诗人。Thomas Hardy is a well-renowned English novelist and poet.

在不损害他人利益的前提下为成功艰苦奋斗。Strive hardy for success without impairing other's benefit.

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耐寒的苔藓常能在尚未生长植物的岩石表面首先生长。Hardy mosses sometimes pioneer on uncolonized rock surfaces.

贝督因为沙漠游牧部落,其部民强悍桀骜。A nomadic desert people, Bedouin are hardy but unruly troops.

埃顿说,自己曾因为口吃被同学欺负和嘲笑。Aidan Hardy said he has been bullied and teased for stuttering.