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而与你相反的言论则恰恰证明其在实际上是错误的。Your statement to the contrary is just factually wrong.

我们会尽我们所能,忠实地如实回答你们的问题。We will do our best to answer your questions faithfully and factually.

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所以,你怎么去改变那些根深蒂固却与事实不符的信念呢?So, how do you change beliefs that are deeply held but factually incorrect?

贝琪阻止了大量与事实不符的报道,但是她不可能阻止全部。Betsey stopped a lot of factually incorrect stories, but she couldn’t stop them all.

作为总统,在实际操作上以及相关的管理程序上,需要学很多东西。As president, there is a lot to learn both factually and about the process of governing.

他说,“他们认为我们在经济衰退中还提高税率,但这种说法是错误的。The assertion that we are raising taxes in the midst of a recession is just factually wrong.

洪国荣回家问起白凤拿了钱给林家没有,白凤谎称曾经办好了。HongGuoRong home asked baifeng took money to give the lins no, baifeng factually once worked.

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我的阅读在事实层面出现谬误,但在想像层面忠于哈代笔下荒凉景色的精神。My reading was factually false but imaginatively true to the spirit of Hardy's bleak landscape.

许多人把神话这个词用作贬义,神话意味着描述的故事事实上是不存在的。Many use the term myth in a pejorative sense to mean that the stories described are not factually true.

宗教还会存在下去,只要它们避免发表那些事实上明摆有误的观点。Religions will survive so long as they steer clear of making statements that can be shown to be factually wrong.

盲目崇拜别人和随意贬低别人,其实都是缺乏自信的表现。To worship others blindly and belittle others at will are both factually the display of lack of self-confidence.

因而中国的网络流量看似很大,其实大局部都是草芥流量,不曾商用价值。Thus, China's network flows appear high , factually most of them are garbage flows, and without commercial value.

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因其中国的网络流量望似很大,实在大部门皆是渣滓流量,出有商用代价。thus, china's network flows appear high , factually most of them are garbage flows, and without commercial value.

请确实填写以上资料,本公司于24小时内经确认后,会将临时授权码寄到您的电子信箱。Please fill out the above information factually . After identifying, we will send the password to you in 24 hours.

你对一件东西的经验和感受,代表你对那件东西事实上和直觉上所知的事。Your experience and your feelings about a thing represent what you factually and intuitively know about that thing.

未取得专利权的,不得在广告中谎称取得专利权。An advertisement should not lie about the patent right of any product that has not factually obtained the patent right.

很多很多患者在保险范畴之中选择了自己的治疗方式。而与你相反的言论则恰恰证明其在实际上是错误的。Many, many patients have had their procedures covered by insurance. Your statement to the contrary is just factually wrong.

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这位演讲者的真实性和逻辑都不错,但是少了一点吸引力,无法在演讲一开始,就攫取观众的注意。Factually and logically the speeches were great, but they lacked a grabber – something to pull the audience in at the start.

我国现行基础教育课程体系忽视了人的主体性与生命活力的弘扬,在价值取向上一定程度体现出“人”本体被遗忘的特征。The ignorance of the vivaciousness of students in the current Chinese basic curriculum has factually defied the value of truism.

第十条申请人应当如实填写出口申请表。出口申请表由对外贸易经济合作部统一印制。Article X The applicant shall fill in the Export Application Form factually. MOFTEC prints the Export Application Form uniformly.