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他是一位可敬的战士。He is a redoubtable fighter.

可敬的美国妇女作出了其贡献。The redoubtable American woman played her part.

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他们唯一的国防是他们的意志和可怕的精神。Whose only defense is their will and redoubtable spirit.

她是个攻击型战士,陌生的猫在一轮较量中就会被征服。She was a redoubtable fighter, and strange cats were vanquished in one round.

他很快证明他自己是一个令人起敬的勇士,并赢得了其他士兵的尊重。He soon proved himself a redoubtable warrior, and won the respect of other soldiers.

传统和习俗的牢固延续,曾经引导这些可畏的远东岛民度过许多世纪。A strong continuity of tradition and custom had guided the redoubtable islanders of the far east across the centuries.

而在特别行动处39位渗入法国的女特工中,11名没有在德国纳粹集中营中丧生,而她也许是其中最令人敬畏的那个。Of the 39 SOE women infiltrated into France, 11 of whom would die in concentration camps, she was perhaps the most redoubtable.

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大家又说,南海鳄神连单身男人也不打,对手越多,他打起来越高兴,这才显得他老人家武功高强。And they also say that you even don't like fighting with one single man, but a gang. The more they are, happier you will, for only it can prove your redoubtable Kungfu!

建立了雅典强大且令人敬畏的海军强权,而且催生了史无前例的,璀璨艺术与文化生活,甚至今日仍以伯里克利斯的雅典闻名。It had established Athens as a mighty and redoubtable naval power and it created an unprecedented level of artistic and cultural life even today known simply as Periclean Athens.

建立了雅典强大且令人敬畏的海军强权,而且催生了史无前例的,璀璨艺术与文化生活,甚至今日仍以伯里克利斯的雅典闻名。It had established Athens as a mighty and redoubtable naval power and it created an unprecedented level of artistic and cultural life even today known simply as Periclean Athens.

一个个有着独立生计的家户是土地占有和经营的基本单位,故农家生计的解释对理解乡村地权是一个不容忽视的视角。Every independent family is a fundamental unit of land possession and management, therefore, explaining farmers bread-and-butter is a redoubtable visual angle to understand country ownership of land.