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“邓粹是新官上任三把火,”旅长解释道。Daintry'the brigadier explained'is our new broom . '

我们向贝尔这样的勇敢士兵致敬!We salute our brave soldiers such as Brigadier Behl!

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一名军队准将欢迎记者一行有机会再来。A brigadier general encouraged the journalists to return.

他的军人生涯升至准将,随后在1966年退伍。He became a brigadier general before leaving the military in 1966.

他立刻就被保举晋升为准将。Immediately he was recommended for the grade of brigadier general.

谢乔准将是柬埔寨军区的副司令。Brigadier Chea Keo is the deputy commander of the Cambodian Military Region.

一个军衔位于准将之上和中将之下的将官。A general officer ranking above a brigadier general and bel ow a lieutenant general.

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咱们等着吧,“旅长说,”现在才八点钟,这些卫兵很可能会睡觉的。“”It is only eight now, ' said the brigadier , 'and these guards may also go to sleep.

“我的主教,”警察队长说,“难道这人说的话是真的吗?"Monseigneur," said the brigadier of gendarmes, "so what this man said is true, then?

纳纳亚卡拉将军说,飞机的残骸和飞行员的尸体已经被寻获。Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said the wreckage and the body of the pilot were recovered.

23岁时他被任命为志愿军一个骑兵旅的准将。At 23 he became brigadier general of volunteers in command of a Michigan cavalry brigade.

一个警察队长,仿佛是率领那群人的,起先立在门边。A brigadier of gendarmes, who seemed to be in command of the group, was standing near the door.

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退休的马哈默德·沙伊尔准将曾经在西北边境省当过高级军官。Retired Brigadier General Mehmood Shah served as a senior official in North West Frontier Province.

约克敦之围中的英勇表现使得范·科特兰上校晋升为准将。Colonel van Cortlandt was promoted to brigadier general following acts of valour at the Siege of Yorktown.

罗恩·斯科尼斯是一位退休的空军准将,现在是医生促进和平协会的首席执行官。Ron Sconyers, a retired Air Force brigadier general, is the chief executive officer of Physicians for Peace.

Tzvica福格尔是在以色列国防军退役准将,目前的军事分析师。Tzvica Fogel is a retired brigadier general in the Israel Defense Forces, and is currently a military analyst.

新兵抱怨装备太差影响训练,蒋小鱼找旅长反映,旅长答应。Recruit complain about the poor equipment affect training, JiangXiaoYu find brigadier reflect, brigadier promise.

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数小时后,他们迅速穿过能够俯瞰劳森准将在黄泥涌峡道上的据点的小山。Within hours, they were charging across the hills overlooking Brigadier Lawson's position on Wong Nai Chung Gap Road.

州军事指挥官“牛头犬”詹姆斯.德拉蒙德准将是个使人印象深刻的人,有着优秀的作战记录。The commanding officer, Brigadier General James Bulldog Drummond, was an impressive man with a sterling combat record.

他的上司,第五航空队的副司令,埃尼斯.怀特黑德准将,和他一样也是一个脾气暴躁的家伙。His superior was Brigadier General Ennis Whitehead, deputy commander of the Fifth Air Force and just as irascible as Pappy.