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因为它公开宣布的和平宪法?Is it the avowedly pacifist constitution?

比塞特医生今年46岁,是着名的和平人士,虔诚的基督徒。Dr. Biscet, 46, is a renowned pacifist and devout Christian.

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大多数人听从达赖喇嘛的建议寻求一个和平的中间路线。A majority heeded the Dalai Lama's counsel to find a pacifist middle way.

这些动机使我变成强烈的和平主义者与反黩武主义者。All these motives have made me a passionate pacifist and anti militarist.

在战争中成为和平主义者就想在美食前成为素食主义者一样难。Everyone's a pacifist between wars. It's like being a vegetarian between meals.

在世界范围内废除核武器一直是和平主义者的未竟之业。RIDDING the world of nuclear weapons has long been a cause of the pacifist left.

这是日本实行和平宪法以来首次部署导弹防御系统。It is the first time that constitutionally pacifist Japan has deployed the shield.

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应用到对外政策,和平主义要么不再是和平主义的,要么就变成绥靖。Applied to foreign politics, pacifism either stops being pacifist or becomes appeasement.

说来说去还是崇尚不杀生的佛教比较有人性,对不对?After all, the pacifist Buddhism that prohibits killing is comparably more humane, isn't it?

很显然,布莱尔并没有完全遵照麦克姆雷的和平主义以及教友派作风。Obviously, Blair has not followed Macmurray all the way to his pacifist and Quaker destination.

究其原因,索厄尔认为是知识分子的功劳,是他们坚定不移反战卫国的努力所致。Why? Because of intellectuals and their "steady drumbeat of pacifist anti-national-defense efforts."

日本的和平宪法规定,日本武装只限于执行非战争任务。Japan's military is restricted to non-combat missions, as stipulated in the country's pacifist constitution.

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麦克姆雷是一个信奉基督教的社会学家,二战之后成为一个和平主义者,并加入了“友人会”。Macmurray was a Christian socialist who after World War II became a pacifist and joined the Society of Friends.

有一次他的一个朋友在前述的斗殴中身亡,他因此发誓戒酒,成了个和平主义者。When his friend got killed in one of the aforementioned barfights, he swore off the liquor, and became a pacifist.

他把防卫厅升格为职能完善的防卫省,还着手试图修改和平宪法。He upgraded the defence agency to a full-fledged ministry and set about trying to change the pacifist constitution.

它不推行民主,反而主张美国的占领和和平主义的宪法是对日本的阉割。Far from promoting democracy, it insists that the American occupation and the pacifist Constitution emasculated Japan.

与其官方和平宪法一致,日本拥有“海上自卫队”而非海军。In line with its officially pacifist constitution, Japan maintains a 'maritime self-defense force' rather than a navy.

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诺贝尔委员会通过这个奖项迫使奥巴马成为和平主义者,这样世界就能真正和平了。The Nobel Committee compelled Obama to be a pacifist by conferring the prize on him. So the world can be really peaceful.

自从日本现行反战宪法1947年生效以来,这是日本第一个由上议院通过的不信任案。It was the first non-confidence motion in the upper house since Japan's current pacifist Constitution took effect in 1947.

与其获得好评的前任首相小泉纯一郎一样,日本首相安倍晋三正在积极推动修改和平宪法。Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, like his popular predecessor, Junichiro Koizumi, is pushing to revise the pacifist constitution.