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无意中说漏了嘴。I speak it out unconsciously.

我们常常无意识的这么作。Often we do this unconsciously.

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不觉入梦梦亦空。Unconsciously dream dreams also empty.

大部分心理过程都是发生在无意识状态下的。Most mental processing occurs unconsciously.

她正不自觉地误解他们行动的目的。She was unconsciously misreading their actions.

王主任无意间透露了底牌。Wang reveals the cards in his hands unconsciously.

光阴荏苒,不知不觉又过了两年。Time is flying, two years passed again unconsciously.

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天真的话,有时不自觉地点得十分透。Ingenuousness sometimes unconsciously penetrates deep.

旧习惯有时不知不觉地又冒了出来。Old habits will sometimes be resurrected unconsciously.

光阴荏苒,不知不觉又过了两年。Time goes fast, two years had been passed unconsciously.

我们日常生活中的许多行为,都是在无意识之中完成的。So much of our day-to-day life can be done unconsciously.

在回家的路上,他不知不觉来到亚纪家门前。On the way home, he unconsciously came and jamie doorstep.

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人们很容易不自觉地变成这样的人,这是致命的危险。Unconsciously to become a prig is an easy and a fatal thing.

但是在她脑海里她还是无意识地给这个男人拼凑了一副画像。But she had unconsciously formed an image of him in her mind.

不知不觉地他倒怀念起结婚前的日子来了。Unconsciously he had longed for the days before his marriage.

言语中,科里法国人的浪漫情怀不禁自然流露。What he says unconsciously reveals the French romance in his nature.

在和她讲话时,他无意识地用手里的鞭子抽打着一棵树。He unconsciously switched a tree with his cane when he talked to her.

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人类形态最初没有被设计来显化无意识。The human form was not originally designed to manifest unconsciously.

头发也可以减少所造成的习惯是不自觉地废除头发。Hair fall can also be caused by habit that repeals hair unconsciously.

对不起,我关灯时碰了铃牌。Sorry, I unconsciously touched the button when I turned off the light.