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安装费没有包含在内。Installation isn't included.

更加顺畅的安装。A much smoother installation.

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可以轻松地安装和升级。Easy installation and upgrade.

我们可以开始安装。We can begin the installation.

顶针导柱的安装。Ejector guide pins installation.

这就完成了安装。This completes the installation.

安装工的名字叫盖内克。Installation worker name cover G.

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自支持架空安装。Self-support aerial installation.

过去品尼高安装必须的。Past Pinnacle installation a MUST.

一个安装在自己主机上的WordPressA self-hosted WordPress installation

你的意思是没有包含安装费?You mean installation isn't included?

管道式连接,安装维修方便。Easy installation due to in-line type.

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安装工人必须持证上岗。Installation workers must be certified.

安装和迁移改进。Installation and migration improvements.

使舾装工时达到最小。To minimize outfit installation manhours.

灯具可单个或多个组合安装。Chioce of single or multiple installation.

灯具可单个彧多个组合安装。Choice of single or multiple installation.

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一般安装方式为大梁连接式。General installation connected to girders.

沿小巷设置的露天茶座。Installation of terrasses in a side-alley.

以下是两种类型的安装There are two types of installation setups