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约翰森示意他过来。Johnson beckoned.

我名字是大卫‧强森。My name is David Johnson.

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现在我们来谈谈斯宾塞·约翰逊博士。Enter Dr. Spencer Johnson.

祝您旅途愉快,约翰逊夫人。Have a good trip, Mrs.Johnson.

这位是特别密探强森。This is Special Agent Johnson.

博斯威尔撰写的约翰逊传记。Boswell's biography of Johnson.

他的代表律师是迪格比·庄逊。His solicitor is Digby Johnson.

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约翰逊告诉奥尼尔和布莱恩特。Johnson told O Neal and Bryant.

格伦约翰逊踢得相当好。Glen Johnson played really well.

约翰逊先生现在听我支使了。Mr Johnson is now under my feet.

约翰森中尉是我的父亲。Lieutenant Johnson was my father.

我想要和廖先生说话。May I speak to Mr. Johnson please?

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你是植物学家,约翰逊博士?‘Are you a botanist, Dr. Johnson?’

约翰逊说的是有一定道理的。Johnson obviously has a point here.

你能讲讲魔术师约翰逊吗?Can you tell us about Magic Johnson?

他是个好人,你的朋友约翰逊。He is nice man, your friend Johnson.

约翰逊大夫周六有空吗?IsDr. Johnson available on Saturday?

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我姓郝,从台北打来的。Johnson?This is Mr. Hao from Taipei.

约翰逊先生,您一路很顺吗?。Did you have a nice trip, Mr. Johnson?

乐队名为黑杰克约翰逊。The Band is titled Black Jack Johnson.