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贝来里在考虑来自利沃诺的邀请。Belleri is considering an offer from Livorno.

我们很清楚在尤文与利沃诺一役中,利沃诺的几次错误造成了什么。We already saw with Livorno what Juve can do when errors are made.

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利沃诺门将阿梅利亚表明了他对于有朝一日能加盟罗马的渴望。Livorno keeper Marco Amelia has revealed his desire to join Roma one day.

目前这个时候,利沃诺是我们所能够遇到的最困难的对手之一。At the moment Livorno are one of the toughest opponents we could have had.

利沃诺正在尝试得到尤文的铁卫图多尔。Livorno have approached Juventus over the availability of defender Igor Tudor.

他在利沃诺出生并且成长,在当地的利沃诺足球俱乐部开始踢球。He was born in Livorno and grew up there, playing for local side AS Livorno Calcio.

而在下半场,利沃诺退得很靠后,阻断了我们进攻的路线。Then in the second half Livorno closed themselves a lot and did not allow us to attack.

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在打完和利沃诺队的比赛之后,你们将会碰到马赛,谈谈你对这个对手的看法。What do you think of Marseille, your next opponents in the Champions League after Livorno?

当然如果他离开的话,雷吉那和利沃诺他比较感兴趣…Certainly, if he does move, then Reggina and Livorno are two clubs that could be interested.

这名意大利国脚在2002年加盟斑马军团,随后的日子里被租借到萨勒尼塔纳和利沃诺。The Azzurri marksman signed for Juventus in 2002 before being loaned to Salernitana and Livorno.

利沃诺门将阿梅利亚一直梦想着能够转会家乡球队罗马。Livorno goalkeeper Marco Amelia says that he is dreaming of a move back to hometown club AS Roma.

利沃诺主席公开宣布承认没有接受到任何关于门将阿梅利亚的报价。Livorno have received no offers for goalkeeper Marco Amelia, President Aldo Spinelli has declared.

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现在所有的注意力都放在和利沃诺的比赛以及最后阶段的比赛,冠军联赛的希望依旧存活。Now everyone concentrated on Livorno and the last matchdays. The Champions League hope is still alive.

紫红俱乐部已经声称,利沃诺将从尤文图斯签下尼古拉?莱罗塔列和伊戈尔?图多尔中的一员。Livorno will sign either Nicola Legrottaglie or Igor Tudor from Juventus, the Amaranto club have claimed.

我们要提醒你的是马西莫奥多已经基本可以在周日客场对利沃诺的比赛中出场。We remind you that Massimo Oddo will almost surely be available for the away game at Livorno this Sunday.

“我们确实给予了利沃诺太多进球机会了”主教练费拉拉在获得了四连胜之后任然对此若有所思。"We did allow Livorno a few too many scoring opportunities, " mused Coach Ferrara after a fourth straight win.

拉齐奥主席洛蒂托因为其在周日比赛中的行为猛烈抨击利沃诺前锋卢卡雷利。Lazio chief Claudio Lotito slammed Livorno striker Cristiano Lucarelli for his behaviour during Sunday's match.

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这名前锋在上周与利沃诺的比赛中为球队进了两个球,完成了个人的完美的处子秀。The striker made a splendid debut for the Bianconeri last week, scoring two of their five goals against Livorno.

诸如像亚特兰大,利沃诺这样的球队都做的不错,同样西耶纳也显示出了他们很难被打败的价值。Teams like Atalanta and Livorno have done well while Siena have shown their worth and have been difficult to beat.

利沃诺坚持他们的前锋卢卡雷利和门将阿梅利亚将留队,尽管关于他们转会尤文的谣言纷纷扬扬。Despite rumours of a Juventus move, Livorno insist that hitman Cristiano Lucarelli and goalkeeper Marco Amelia will stay.