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有区别,深,永恒的,不可磨灭的。There was a difference, deep, eternal, ineradicable.

童年早期的情感创伤留下了难以抚平的伤痕。The emotional wounds of early childhood leave ineradicable scars.

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就像命运与死亡,受苦是生命无可抹煞的一部份。Suffering is an ineradicable part of life, even as fate and death p.

西米斯认为,它之所以无法根除,主要原因是存在着“根深蒂固的贿赂行为”。In the words of Simis, it continues because of "the eternal, ineradicable bribe".

法国是一个传统的中央集权国家,集权观念根深蒂固。France is a traditionally centralized country and the centralization is ineradicable.

大它者永久的坠落,无法从生命主体的经验的符号里抹除掉。This permanent downfall of the Other is ineradicable from the given of subjective experience.

痔疮只有饮食调理这个方案最好吗?手术也不能根除是吗?Does only food recuperate haemorrhoid is this plan best? Is the operation ineradicable also be?

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每一个时代都在他们心灵的深处刻下了不同形态的、难以磨灭的刀创斧痕。Each era has inflicted in the depth of their soul different shapes of, and ineradicable wounds.

二元论在其最广泛的意义似乎是一种固有的,根深蒂固的趋势伊朗铭记。Dualism in its widest sense seems to be an inherent and ineradicable tendency of the Iranian mind.

无论是主题还是写作技巧,他的悲剧意识有着不可或缺的重要性。Whether it is thematic concern or writing technique, his tragic consciousness has the ineradicable importance.

你们那不可磨灭的内在灵性路径继续闪耀着光芒,以期待未来的某一天你们能够返回你们之前荣耀的状态。Your ineradicable inner path was kept alight by Spirit for the day when all of you would be returned to your former state of glory.

最后又因为某些无天敌生物的大量繁殖,成为人类难以消除的严重祸害。Finally, because these creatures had no natural enemies, they proliferated in such large numbers that they became an almost ineradicable scourge for mankind.

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不能不加以注意的是真正的自然科学和构成现代文明不可根除的技术基础的理论和依据是紧密联系的。And it should not go unnoticed that the true natural sciences lock together in theory and evidence to form the ineradicable technical base of modern civilization.

喉部、脚和眼部上的斑点都是白色的,但由于其间也混着一些棕色,同样给人以脏的感觉,两只眼睛就像两块黄玉一般,金色和棕色混杂其间,使人难以分清。The white of the throat and paws and the spots over the eyes was dirty because of the persistent and ineradicable brown, while the eyes themselves were twin topazes, golden and brown.