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一组是经常赤脚跑步的。One group had always run shoeless.

一组一直是光脚跑。One group had alwaysranrun shoeless.

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第三组则是从穿鞋变到光脚跑。And thethird3rd group had changed to shoeless running.

如果我们抵制中国制造,我们的家里将会空无一物,我们的脚甚至都不会有鞋穿。If we stopped buying products made from china our homes would be empty and our feet would be shoeless.

在一个寒冷的冬天,有一个小男孩为了让他没穿鞋子的脚丫暖和些几乎贴在一个面包店的壁炉上。One winter day, a little boy was standing on a grate next to a bakery trying to keep his shoeless feet warm.

很多网友评论说,他“做的很对”,光脚的游客“违背了公共秩序和道德”。Many comments said he "did the right thing" and that the shoeless man was "breaking public order and morals".

这过程可能持续长达两周,我最后沦落到没有鞋子穿,光着脚丫站在我过去所住公寓的街道上。It could have been as long as two weeks later when I finally ended up shoeless on the steps of my old block of flats.

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“在不穿鞋上课的学校,孩子们也到校早离校迟,这样算起来他们平均每天的学习时间会多半小时”。In shoeless schools children also arrive earlier and leave later, which translates into half an hour of extra learning a day on average.

在我带他去见那群村民之前,我替他买了一双鞋,因为有穿鞋的和不穿鞋的刀客,价钱相差很远。Before I took him to the villagers, I bought him a pair of shoes. It's because there's quite a difference in the fee paid to a shoeless swordsman and one with shoes.

主战坦克是马赛赤脚系统的象征,更不要说一般需要这个遥远的东方摄影设备定制涉及赤脚跑,因为它是灵感。MBT is a symbol of Masai Barefoot Systems, not to mention normally takes this Far eastern Photography equipment custom involving shoeless running because it is inspiration.

他们神秘的衣阿华棒球播音员领导的话雷金塞拉刻在他向他的英雄荣誉玉米田一个棒球场,棒球传奇人物Shoeless乔杰克逊。Them mysterious words of an Iowa baseball announcer lead Ray Kinsella to carve a baseball diamond in his cornfield in honor of his hero, the baseball legend Shoeless Joe Jackson.