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有人说他变老了。They say he is getting senile.

我可能有显点老了,但还没有老到不中用的地步。I may be senescent , I am not yet senile.

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提示,健脑益肾冲剂具有一定的抗脑衰作用。So it has certain anti senile effect in brain.

对120名老年人牙体病进行调查。To investigate 120 senile patients with teeth.

对老年性膝骨关节,肩周炎均可治愈。Of senile knee joints, frozen shoulder can be cured.

本组69例老年乳腺癌无一例手术死亡发生。The group of 69 cases of senile patients had no death.

因为他是老年,他蜷缩在一些衣衫褴褛的布片。Senile as he is, he crouches in some ragged pieces of cloth.

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本文首次使用邵氏硬度计测量了62眼老年性白内障晶体核。We measured 62 nuclei of senile cataract by Shaos durometer.

颜德馨教授善用膏方治疗老年病。Professor Yan Dexin is good at the treatment for senile diseases.

结论老年心力衰竭患者症状不典型,预后较差。Conclusion The senile heart failure was untypical with poor prognosis.

目的探讨老年期抑郁症的临床特点。Objective To explore the clinical characteristics of senile melancholia.

结果老年性胆管炎主要病因为胆系结石。Results The major reason of the senile cholangitis was gallstone disease.

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随着年龄的增大,老年不寐逐渐以虚证为主。Deficiency gradually became the main syndrome of senile insomnia with age.

老年女性的形象也出现了,但表现得非常概念。Senile woman's image also appears, but presented in very conceptional way.

结论GSTM1基因缺失与老年性白内障的发生缺乏显著关系。Conclusion GSTM1 gene deletion is not related to senile cataract formation.

目的探讨老年期和非老年期抑郁症的临床特征。Objective To explore the clinical features of senile and non senile depression.

酒井法子,一个年轻的寡妇,和她的老年养父Shukichi生活在农场。A young widow, Noriko, lives with her senile father-in-law, Shukichi, on a farm.

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目的探讨参麦注射液治疗老年哮喘的临床价值。Objective To find out the treatment value of Shenmai injection in senile asthma.

请问老年痴呆的早期症状是什么?有没有预防的方法?。What is senile and gawkish inchoate symptom excuse me? Have precautionary method?

目的探讨老年型胆囊炎合并胆石症的临床特点及手术治疗效果。Aim To explore the clinical characters of senile cholelithiasis and cholecystitis.