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放荡的尾巴属于缺陷。Debauchery of the tail of defects.

然后我看到了斯米尔诺娃的脸还是没有声色。Then I saw the face Smirnova debauchery or not.

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安得陪后乘,放荡此历睹。After Andhra accompanied by, debauchery see this calendar.

水色是染料的水溶液,酒色是染料的醇溶液。Color is dye solution, debauchery is dye alcohol solution.

处女举止行为都很拘谨,非处女放纵放荡些。Virgin behavior is very formal, non-virgin more indulgent debauchery.

灯红酒绿成就男人雄心,水性杨花显尽女人风情。Scene of debauchery achievement man of ambition, wanton make significant woman style.

不要醉酒,醉酒能使人放荡乱性,却要让圣灵充满。Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery . Instead, be filled with the Spirit.

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找到他,他们要原路,回到自己的放荡的场面。To find him, they have to retrace their steps and return to the scenes of their debauchery.

音乐节日通常是狂欢者沉湎酒色的主要理由。MUSIC festivals are typically a great excuse for revellers to enjoy a bit of drunken debauchery.

可是你们没以为我会把时间浪费到哪个只配让苦力去放荡的破地方吧?But you do not suppose that I was going to waste my time on some vulgar debauchery fit only for navvies?

众所周知,摇滚乐手的生活通常是放荡、随性的,音乐是他们的生命。As all known, the life of the Rock singer indicates debauchery and uncertainty. Music means all for them.

中国传统文化中对个人心灵的熏陶可以节制我们对现实的放荡。Chinese traditional culture, the influence of the individual can control our mind the reality of debauchery.

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古人把这个字与酒色财并列使用时,没有作过专门的解释。The ancients stands side by side this word and debauchery money when using, had not made special explanation.

青春的风采也仍在跟堕落与贫苦所招致的老丑作斗争。The grace of her age was still struggling against the hideous, premature decrepitude of debauchery and poverty.

学校放假后,他们纷纷北上,在那里酗酒、放荡一个星期。Also a Mecca for Southern State teenagers who upon finishing school, head north for a week of booze and debauchery.

酿酒厂也正将酿酒剩余的残渣作为生产替代性能源的原料来源,而不仅仅是供人饮用。Breweries too are using production leftovers to serve up alternative fuel, and not just to fuel a night of debauchery.

他声称,事实上他离放荡还差远了,因为他年轻时完全沉浸于贞操理想中。In fact, he claims, he was so far from such debauchery that he had devoted his entire early life to the ideal of virginity.

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村里里开始越来越多的传言,说他们被城市的灯红酒绿给迷醉了眼,再也不愿回到这个破落的小山村了。The village started more rumors, saying they were the scene of debauchery by the city to the eye, would not return to the ruined village.

一时的放纵算不得大事,只要能做得偷偷摸摸,毫无乐趣,只要搞的是无产阶级下层一文不值的婆娘。Mere debauchery did not matter very much, so long as it was furtive and joyless and only involved the women of a submerged and despised class.

我的确说过我喜欢纽约这座城市,但那并不代表我想去那里打球。Wedd perhaps really likes in New York that commercial city the debauchery magnificent scene, but Miami is he wants the potency truly the team.