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您的叙述者是雪莉格里菲斯和托尼里格斯。Your narrators were Shirley Griffith and Tony Riggs.

帕雷特的儿子拥抱了格里菲斯,并告诉他,他被宽恕了。The son embraced Griffith and told him he was forgiven.

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这封信写于1954年。This is a letter to a man named Ben Griffith from 1954.

舍莉·格里夫斯在此为我们做一些介绍。Here is Shirley Griffith to tell us about a few of them.

艾伯和雪莉。格里菲斯讲述麦瑞。莱昂。Today, Steve Ember and Shirley Griffith tell about Mary Lyon.

格里菲斯当场就要动手,但被拦下了。Griffith wanted to fight Paret on the spot but was restrained.

格里菲斯离开学校时不仅带走了文凭同样也带走了一堆债务。Griffith left school with not only a degree, but a boatload of debt.

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一辆货运列车正从不远处开来,琼·格里菲斯却动弹不得。A freight train was just seconds away, and June Griffith couldn't move.

阿瑟·格里菲思在都柏林创建爱尔兰新芬党。Sinn Fein Irish political party was founded in Dublin by Arthur Griffith.

格里菲斯困惑了,“军队的意思是我若坚持无神论,就不适合当兵吗?”Griffith wondered, "Is the Army saying my atheism makes me unfit to serve?

格里菲斯大学的世界一流的研究中心至今仍活跃于国际舞台。Griffith university world-class research center of the international stage yet.

他要格里菲斯挂空挡。But he tried to appear calm as he instructed Griffith to put the car in neutral.

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1996年,陆克文代表工党竞争格里菲斯选区的联邦政府席位。Mr Rudd contested the Federal seat of Griffith for the Australian Labor Party in 1996.

梅雷迪斯说道,“我们初期约会有一次是在格瑞菲斯天文台,就是在那里他向我求婚的。”Our first date was at Griffith Observatory, which is where he ended up proposing to me.

在其众多的译本中,贾尔斯、格里菲斯和林戊荪的英文译本影响最大。Among them, those of Lionel Giles, Samuel B. Griffith and Lin Wusun are the most popular.

格里斯菲先生说室内花园的参观者们都对这样巨型尺寸的绿叶表示震惊。Mr Griffith said visitors to the sheltered garden have been stunned by the size of the leaf.

几天后,一位记者请这几位年轻人与格里菲斯在当地一家咖啡馆团聚。A few days later, a reporter asked the young men and Griffith to reunite at a local coffee shop.

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今天雪莉和弗兰克要讲讲一个二战飞行员的故事,吉米。杜里德。Today Shirley Griffith and Frank Oliver tell about a famous World War Two pilot, Jimmy Doolittle.

基思愤怒地与卡尔通过电话交谈,但还是同意与其在格里菲思.帕克天文台会面。Keith angrily talks to Carl on the phone, but agrees to meet him at the Griffith Park Observatory.

如果你们翻过来,这里还有另一封,给Ben,Griffith的信,紧接著第一封写的。If you turn over, this is another letter to Ben Griffith written fairly shortly after this first one.