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它是私密的。It was private.

他是一名列兵。He is a buck private.

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是的,一架私人飞机。Yep, a private plane.

第二层就是私下刻板印象。Then there is private.

这是我的小金库。It is my private coffer.

绝望中他只能去私立医院。In despair he went private.

私下聊天,-是。Private conversation. -Yes.

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一个死士将她挡住。A dead private holds up she.

你可以使用你的因私护照。So, you would use my private.

我在一个私立学校教书。I teach in the private sector.

它们由私人铸币厂制造出来。They're made at private mints.

他会非常粗野。He can be very rade in private.

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我要四张个人房的票。I want a private room for four.

我给你们进行个别辅导。I'll give you private coaching.

这是一座私家园林。It used to be a private garden.

呵呵,那我们包场可以吗?Oh, that private use can we do?

这支私人军队正饱受抨击。The private army is under fire.

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卢戈是到古巴进行私人访问的。Lugo is a private visit to Cuba.

私人军队正在消失Private armies are disappearing.

任意分享私人图片。Share private photos worry-free.