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它还做出了预测。It made prediction.

一个牵强的预测吗?A farfetched prediction?

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最终可能的结果是什么What's the prediction here?

凯思的预言应验了,我们该由此得出什么结论?The upshot of Kass' prediction?

这些法则才是科学的预言。They are a prediction of science.

这是他对硅的预测。This is his prediction for silicon.

珀利阿斯的预言千真万确。Pelias ' prediction was quite right.

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这就是预测的根据That is verification of a prediction.

多指标建模与预测。Multi -index modelling and prediction.

但是有一个预测是可以确定的。But one prediction can be made with certainty.

这是一个好预言,因为,“哇哦“Now, that's a good prediction " because "wow."

这些位点并不能改进AD风险的预测。These loci did not improve AD risk prediction.

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这对地震预报是有一定意义的。It is very significant for earthquake prediction.

6月,他将自己的预测发给了GEO600团队。In June he sent his prediction to the GEO600 team.

或者你完全不同意我作出的预测?Or, do you disagree with this prediction entirely?

它怎样作为现实世界的一个预测呢How does this do as a prediction of the real world?

结论对于铁耗分析有非常重要的参考意义。Conclution is very valuable for the loss prediction.

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没有可靠的资料,预报就没有基础。Without reliable data, prediction has no foundation.

勃朗宁的预测不过是妄加猜测而已。Browning's prediction is no better than a wild guess.

设计出基于WSVR的火灾智能预测系统。Design-based intelligent WSVR fire prediction system.