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他有一副钢筋铁骨。He has an iron constitution.

而且这是在宪法中明文规定的。It's in "The Constitution. ""

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中国有成文宪法。China has a written constitution.

奠定我国宪法的基础是什么?Of what is our Constitution made?

他背离了宪法。He deviated from the constitution.

宪法是国家的根本大法。Constitution is basic law of China.

英国没有成文宪法。The UK has no written constitution.

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宪法是我国的根本大法。Constitution is the fundamental law.

财阀家族宪章。Family constitution of the zaibatsu.

在美国,宪法有明文规定。In America, it's in our Constitution.

宪法是国家的根本大法。Constitution is the national basic law.

他的体格和思想都像铁一样。His constitution and mind were of iron.

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我曾参与了制定宪法的工作。I stood the drawing up of a constitution.

因为它公开宣布的和平宪法?Is it the avowedly pacifist constitution?

奥库斯没有体质属性。Orcus does not have a Constitution score.

宪法是在一国法律体系中的根本法。Constitution is the basic law of a country.

每个公民都应当维护宪法。Every citizen should uphold the Constitution.

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决定某一法律是否牴触宪法。Decides if a law goes against the Constitution.

宪法授予总统宣战权。The President swore to uphold the constitution.

我觉得美国宪法是一部先进的宪法。I think the U.S.Constitution is an advanced law.