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泄殖腔或有或无。Cloaca , or with or without.

我们从排水道带回的那个男子也是如此。We took the man from the cloaca such as this.

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通过尿道或泄殖腔排泄出的液体。The liquid excreted through the urethra or cloaca.

法氏囊是鸟类特有的结构,位于泄殖腔后上方,囊壁充满淋巴组织。IBD is the unique structure of birds at the top after the cloaca , the wall full of lymphoid tissue.

泄殖腔是鸟类或爬行类体内交配、排泄以及排粪的通用孔道。The cloaca is the all-purpose body cavity that reptiles and birds use for copulation, urination, and defecation.

泄殖腔麝腺和下颌腺均属全泌腺,其功能与交配和繁殖有关。Cloaca musk deer glands and mandibular glands are all glandular secretion, and its functions related to mating and reproduction.

这一性质与梭菌型产氢途径的丁酸梭菌表现出相似的规律,完全区别于阴沟肠杆菌铁依赖型的产氢机制。This characteristic was similar to that of Clostridium butyricum but quite different from Enterobacter cloaca with Coli-type hydrogen-producing pathway.

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它起源于泄殖腔壁侧面直接在前面的肚皮上发泄,和卷发向后使轴与头部直接位于下方的通风口开幕。It originates from the wall of the cloaca directly in front of the vent on the belly side, and curls backwards so the shaft and head lies directly beneath the vent opening.

直肠黏膜上皮在直肠末端突然转变为泄殖腔的复层扁平上皮,两者之间界线明显。The mucosal epithelium of rectum transforms into stratified squamous epithelium abruptly at the end of the rectum. The boundary line between rectum and cloaca was very distinct.

用此感染性虫卵悬液通过泄殖腔和口腔接种感染4周龄的火鸡、未培育的新鲜虫卵和异刺线虫雌虫感染火鸡、以及来自三个地方的蚯蚓感染火鸡相对比。The 4-week-old turkeys were infect by the suspension of infectious eggs through the cloaca and oral infection, contrast to oral infection with the Heterakis fresh egg, female Heterakis and earthworms.