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心口不一啊,汝的名字是哈珀。Truthiness thy name is Harper.

有一天我看到小七在画画。I was watching Harper draw one day.

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哦对不起,应该是哈珀,比他更早I'm sorry, Harper did, even before him.

这一奖项自然是以哈伯.李的名义设置的。It was named, of course, for Harper Lee.

我们喜欢这个名字,我们也深爱着小七。We love the name and we love Harper Seven.

哈珀先生盘进附近一家五金店的全部货底。Mr. Harper bought out a nearby hardware store.

会期内的惯例休会被哈珀拖成了会期间休会。Mr Harper turned a customary recess into prorogation.

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故事发生在一个哈柏·李称之为梅康的小镇上。The story takes place in a town that Harper Lee called Maycomb.

他的律师哈巴·斯达格看上去很乖巧。His lawyer, Harper Steger, looked very shrewd and canny to them.

他还发现乔·哈帕和哈克·费恩正在一条巷子里吃偷来的甜瓜。He found Joe Harper and Huck Finn up an alley eating a stolen melon.

伯德·墨非女士是哈柏·李家乡门罗维尔的当地居民。Ms. Byrd-Murphy is a native of Harper Lee's hometown of Monroeville.

“因为默克公司是如此咄咄逼人,它进行得太快了,”博士哈珀说。“Because Merck was so aggressive, it went too fast, ” Dr. Harper said.

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而且,哈珀在对魁北克省是否让步上已经没有多少余地。Mr Harper has also limited his options for making concessions to Quebec.

下面是本台记者发回的法庭文件报道。Our Africa editor Mary Harper reports on the documents presented in court.

哈柏•李的这部小说给读者上了一堂有关种族平等和尊重的道德课。The novel by Harper Lee offers moral lessons about racial justice and respect.

如您能退票并将支票款额记在约翰哈珀的名下,我们将不胜感谢。We would appreciate your refunding their price making check payable to john harper.

在节假日期间,哈珀明智地选择了扮演圣诞怪杰的形象。Amid the holiday festivities, Stephen Harper has correctly opted to play the Grinch.

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哈珀是在接受专门播放体育节目的TSN电视频道采访时,做出上述这番表示的。Harper said in an interview with sports channel TSN due to be aired later this week.

我并不需要哈伯.李来告诉我歧视有色人种是不对的。I did not need Harper Lee to tell me it was wrong to treat people badly because of colour.

哈泼·李1960年对南边的赞歌,是美国历来最受爱好的小说之一。Harper Lee's 1960 paean to the South is one of the most liked American novels ever written.