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临结束时的霹雳舞将表演推向了高潮。The culminating point of the performance was the break dance in the end.

最后一分进行了22拍,随着费德勒的一个大角度反手回球而告终。The last point went 22 strokes, culminating with Federer sending a backhand wide.

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同时,尼克亚历克斯哈塞尔的第二十一岁生日庆典,最终导致混乱。Meanwhile, NICK's Alex Hassell 21st birthday celebrations are culminating in chaos.

再一次,人类彼此战争而以地球的一次核毁灭达到顶峰。Yet again humans warred upon one another culminating in a nuclear holocaust of earth.

一连串的特异的汽车在未来40年之后,最后在1958年的45EX。A succession of EX cars followed over the next 40years, culminating in the 45EX of 1958.

说完他嗅了最后一撮鼻烟,然后把鼻烟盒塞进了口袋。When he had said it , he took a culminating pinch of Snuff , and put his box in his pocket.

2006年夏末,我出现了一些异常症状,后来发展为黄疸。Late in the summer of 2006, I started having some unusual symptoms, culminating with jaundice.

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之后的两次飞行将在2010年完成,最后停靠在国际空间站。Two subsequent flights will be completed by 2010, culminating with Dragon berthing with the ISS.

随后所发生的,2月1日的“百万人游行”的高潮,是前所未有的。What happened afterwards, culminating in a 'million-man march' on 1 February, was unprecedented.

该节目共有四集,复活节将上演最后一集基督的复活。The programme is to be broadcast in four episodes, culminating on Easter Sunday with the Resurrection.

我们三个有45年的工作经验,这些经验在这家公司实现的价值达到了颠峰。We had 45 years of experience between the three of us, and it was finally culminating in this company.

最可怕的事莫过于知难而退,临阵脱逃,继而变成一个道貌岸然的伪学者。The most horrible thing is to quit and deserted, culminating in a seemingly sanctimonious pseudo-scholars.

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这个副本会揭示巫妖王之怒的故事和战斗的最高潮。This dungeon reveals the culminating story events and battles of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion pack.

但我可以说的是,我的体验的最高点使我感到了无法形容的幸福。What, however, can be said is the fact that the culminating point of my experience made me unspeakably happy.

顶极是达到高潮与一点的生产的惊奇相反汇编从甲板和口袋!The climax is a surprise reverse assembly culminating with a production of the aces from the deck and the pockets!

货币贬值加上民众对菲律宾政府的普遍不满也最终让约瑟夫艾斯特拉达政权被推翻。Devaluation added to popular discontent in the Philippines, culminating in the overthrow of President Joseph Estrada.

他们的成功在整个70年代持续不减,与去年和半之久的世界德州游高潮。Their success continued unabated throughout the '70s, culminating with the year-and-a-half-long Worldwide Texas Tour.

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这样自然免不了要进行大量的后期制作,但所有这些努力,再加上独一无二的制作方法,终于将这个鲜亮明快、色彩纷呈的故事演绎的淋漓尽致。An immense amount of post-production was necessary, all culminating in a vibrant, colorful story told in a unique way.

这道弧形城墙的中心顶点是教皇门,即大致上相当于先贤祠的现在位置。The culminating point of this sweep of walls was the Papal gate, that is to say, near the present site of the Pantheon.

党把他流放到了偏远城市高尔基,但他却声名日隆,最终在1986年得到释放。The party exiled him to that obscure city of Gorky, but his legend only aggravated, culminating in his release in 1986.