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今天,谷歌似乎坚不可摧。Today, Google appears impregnable.

它不像苏联的那个那么坚固宽广。It's not so impregnable or wide as the Soviet one.

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律师以无可辩驳的论据打赢了那场官司。The lawyer won his case with an impregnable argument.

在那些易守难攻的大山里,游击队可以坚持很多年。In those impregnable mountains, the guerrillas could hold out for years.

证券公司网上交易对黑客就固若金汤?Do pair of hackers trade on stockjobber net with respect to impregnable ?

古老的荷兰城堡城墙又厚又高,看起来几乎固若金汤。The old Dutch fort with its thick high walls looks virtually impregnable.

在巩固城堡中的王并不会比在岩石洞穴中的沙番更安全。No monarch in his impregnable fortress is more secure than the cony in his rocky burrow.

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所以他把自己关在他的城堡里,那城堡盖得牢不可破,经得起围攻。So he shut himself up in his castle, whose impregnable strength was such as defied a siege.

口子开得并不大,但曾几何时固若金汤的铁幕被撕裂了。Not a lot was made of it at the time, but the once impregnable Iron Curtain had been breached.

但是像意想不到的勒曼兄弟的破产所显示的那样,极端的安全并不意味著牢不可破。But as the unexpected bankruptcy of Lehman brothers shows, ultra-safe does not mean impregnable.

一个新铁幕在俄罗斯周围形成,不过这一个并没有苏联时期那么广阔和坚不可摧。A new Iron Curtain is being drawn around Russia. It's not so impregnable or wide as the Soviet one.

无论事情变得怎样都要坚守信念。对我而言比起那个魔法果子,我更坚信我那个坚硬个壳子。Believe whatever it may be. I believe in this impregnable carapace of mine more than a magic fruit.

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作为女人,她依旧牢不可破地坚守,在被描述为性的行动的这个系统的外面。Where she remains impregnable, impregnable as a woman, is outside the system described as the sexual act.

“我羞愧我喝酒。”酒鬼说完以后就再也不开口了。"Ashamed of drinking! " The tippler brought his speech to an end, and shut himself up in an impregnable silence.

你曾认为你们的友谊如钢铁长城般坚不可摧,你也为有这样一位红粉知己而暗自庆幸。You think your friendship as impregnable as the Great Wall of steel, you have to do a red and friends secretly glad.

旧函谷关、新函谷关和潼关,是崤函古道上先后兴替的三座雄关。The Old and New Hangu Passes and Tongguan Pass used to be the three impregnable passes along the ancient Xiaohan Road.

顶峰助力微营销教你如何做好微商,让你在微商大军中立于不败之地。Teach you how to do a good job in wechat business peak power micro marketing, let you in micro daqo impregnable in the army.

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消灭规划的失败令人产生一种信念,许多人均抱持这种信念,即任何正面攻击都无法击溃疟疾。The failure of the eradication programme created a belief, held by many, that malaria was impregnable to any kind of frontal attack.

在南美洲的足球版图里面,马拉卡纳球场颇具神奇色彩。Within the realm of South American football, the Maracana has taken on mythical proportions and represents an almost impregnable fortress.

以超强计算能力与大规模海外窃听能力闻名天下的美国安全局能否攻破这样一个攻不破的密码呢?Could the NSA, which is known for its supercomputing and massive electronic eavesdropping abilities abroad, crack such an impregnable code?