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谎言,全是谎言。A lie, all lies.

s层在4d层下面。s lies below 4d.

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那些都是谎言。These are all lies.

谎言总是无说服力的。Lies are always lame.

谎言必须要中止。The lies have to stop.

不兴说谎。You mustn't tell lies.

如阳光那般璀璨。Lies bright as the sun.

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她谎报年龄。She lies about her age.

内在美才是真正的美!Real beauty lies within!

树下躺着一个孩子。Uder the tree lies a boy.

但是如果对方说谎怎么办?But what if lies are told?

我们为什么要说谎?Why do we tell these lies?

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情人眼里出西施。Beauty lies in lover's eye.

更糟糕的是,两者都是谎言。Still worse, both are lies.

挽救之道在于教育。The cure lies in education.

第四条规矩是绝不说谎。The fourth rule is no lies.

情人眼里出西施。Beauty lies in lover’s eyes.

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它的意义就在这一体性内。Its meaning lies in oneness.

只有谎言才能套出真情。Only lies can get the truth.

自己把握自己的命运…Definity lies on my own hand!