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在中国人眼中,昔日的皇帝已经变成乞丐。The emperor is looking pretty scantily clad in Chinese eyes.

这个印尼版杂志载有一些衣著暴露但非裸体的女性照片。The Indonesian Playboy included pictures of scantily clad women, but no nudity.

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他身边偎满了衣着暴露的女人,满脸堆笑的给他点烟,喂水果。His side together with scantily clad woman, smiling to his cigarette, fed fruit.

一项新的研究发现,其实我们在看衣着暴露的人时还有更细微的心理活动。But a new study finds there’s more subtlety in how we view scantily dressed people.

我最喜欢春天的一点是,美女们开始穿“清凉”的衣服了。What I like most about spring is that hot-looking women are wearing scantily clad clothing.

衣衫单薄的女孩手指冻得红肿溃烂,让人顿起怜悯之心。Scantily clad girl fingers were red and swollen fester, let the people of Dayton compassion.

一根粗如人臂的缆绳,从几个衣不蔽体的拉纤人一直连系到船头。A tow rope as thick as a man's arm extended from several scantily clothed tow-men, all the way to the bow.

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大约有4000套内衣被性感的街头模特分发给路人。An estimated total of 4000 pairs of underwear were handed out to passersby by scantily clad street models.

年轻时,她经常衣着暴露,只穿少许红色皮革衣物。她喜欢在头上戴一朵大红花。In her younger days, she would often be scantily clad in red leather and often wore a red flower in her hair.

选择瑜伽和有氧运动的录像,自己在家练习,在众人面前穿太少,你会感觉不自在。For exercise, try yoga and aerobics videos at home alone. You're not yet comfortable scantily clad in front of others.

于此相对应的是,年前的男性则倾向于从穿着清凉或者不穿衣服的女子照片上得到视觉上的满足,有些人甚至会去脱衣舞俱乐部而得到满足。Young men would get some of their sexual gratification from photographs of scantily clad or nude women, or go to strip clubs.

未来主义绘画中许多女性都衣不蔽体,因为我们可以假定未来的社会风气更开放,或者气温更高,或者两者兼有。With so many scantily clad futuristic females on display, one might assume the future was either wilder or warmer – maybe both!

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但是一个新的研究发现,我们如何看待穿着暴露的人是更加微妙的。并且,并不仅仅是女人被具现化了。But a new study finds there's more subtlety in how we view scantily dressed people. And that it's not just women who are objectified.

住校的学生以前都睡在几乎光秃秃的硬板床上,希望这些被物能让他们睡得舒服些。The children who stay at the school were sleeping on little more than scantily covered wooden bunk beds, so hopefully this will help.

使用暴露的女性做图片来吸引顾客,小贩暗示男性顾客特别喜欢收看这些节目。Using pictures of scantily clad women to attract customers, the retailer hinted that men would especially like the channels that were on offer.

在研究中,Fiske的研究团队把异性恋的男人放进一个MRI头部扫描仪,然后给他们看穿衣的男女照片以及衣着裸露的照片。In the study, Fiske's team put straight men into an MRI brain scanner and showed them images of either clothed men and women, or more scantily clad men and women.

珍佳然趁机衣着暴露溜到西瓦房间内,扑在西瓦的身上,却发现被子里只是个枕头,气晕了。Jane is good but the chance to slip in the west between the tile scantily clad, flapping in the west of body, only to find that the quilt is a pillow, heartbroken.

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见还珠衣着暴露穿房入舍,尔旦觉得不妥,亦发觉平时由还珠预备的墨和香茶全部欠奉,令他若有所失。See return bead scantily clad in room into the house, denier feel wrong, also found at ordinary times by return bead prepared ink and sweet tea all owe to serve, to his family.

“能看到帅哥裸体的机会很少,我在这里感觉很棒,”27岁的销售主管Yana说,她瞄着舞台中央红灯下新出现的两位衣不蔽体的男子。"It's rare to see beautiful men's bodies, I feel good here," said 27 year-old sales executive Yana, glancing up as two more scantily clad men take centre stage under red lights.

可以不避讳地说,那些穿着较少的运动员在沙滩上蹦来跳去,伴随着那些穿着比基尼的啦啦队员和流行音乐,足以吸引观众的眼球。It is safe to say that the sight of scantily clad athletes romping in a sand pit, accompanied by cheerleaders in bikinis and a pop-music soundtrack, caught many spectators by surprise.