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因此,对毛状白斑的出现应予以高度重视。Therefore, the emergence of hairy leukoplakia should be high priority.

口腔粘膜白斑病是一种严峻的口腔粘膜癌变前疾病。Oral leukoplakia is an important premalignant lesion of the oral mucosa.

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在114例口腔粘膜病中,以白斑与扁平苔癣居多。Among 114 cases of oral mucous membrane disease, the leukoplakia and lichen planus are prevalent.

目的探讨维甲酸糊剂治疗口腔白斑的临床疗效。Objective The explore of clinical curative efficacy of retinoic acid paste in treatment with oral leukoplakia.

有人认为,口腔念珠菌感染和毛状白斑可作为发现或预测艾滋病的指标。Some people think that oral candidiasis and hairy leukoplakia found or prediction can be used as indicators of AIDS.

有人认为,口腔念珠菌感染和毛状白斑可作为发现或预测艾滋病的指标。Some people think that oral candidiasis and hairy leukoplakia can be used as an indicator of AIDS found or predicted.

此项巨大的长时间的跟踪调查研究证明了激光治疗是口腔粘膜白斑病的理想防止性治疗方案。This large study with a long follow up shows that laser treatment is a good prophylactic treatment for oral leukoplakia.

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口腔白斑病是一种相对上较为常见的口腔病灶,其中有少数但显著比例的病例会转变成癌症。Oral leukoplakia is a relatively common oral lesion that in a small but significant proportion of cases changes into cancer.

采用化痰散瘀为主的方法治疗喉白斑,疗程3个月,有显著疗效。Phlegm resolving and blood stasis dissipating method was used to treat throat leukoplakia for 3 months, and the effects were good.

结论转移因子胶囊联合血府逐瘀口服液治疗口腔白斑有明显的效果,值得进一步推广。Conclusion The combination of Xue-fu-zhu-yu oral solution and transfer factor capsules has more effect in the treatment of oral leukoplakia.

所以如果我们能从点滴的事情做起,一定可以防止白斑的发生和发展。不以善小而不为。So if we start from the things bit by bit, will be able to prevent the occurrence and development of leukoplakia. Not to a small but not as good.

白斑可发生于全身任何部位,但以面部、颈部、手背等暴露部位及外生殖器等皱褶处皮肤多见。Leukoplakia can occur on any part of the body, but in the face, neck, and other exposed parts of the back and external genitalia, such as common skin folds.

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结论EGFR表达水平与口腔白斑癌变存在相关性,EGFR可以作为判断口腔白斑癌变潜力的指标之一。Conclusions The expression of EGFR had a direct correlation with the canceration of oral leukoplakia, and it might be an important biological sign of oral leukoplakia canceration.

结论多种检测手段均能有效地反映金地鼠白斑癌变进程中血管生成变化趋势和病理变化严重程度。Conclusion Various detective methods can effectually reflect the varying tendency of angiogenesis and serious degree of pathology during the evolution of leukoplakia carcinogenesis.

在HIV感染者和艾滋病患者的口腔表征中,卡波济肉瘤的患病率仅次于念珠菌病和毛状白斑,具有较高的发生率。In HIV-infected people and AIDS patients in the oral representation, the prevalence of Kaposi's sarcoma-rate second only to candidiasis and hairy leukoplakia have a higher incidence.

藤森健次说,父亲的胃病与多年的口腔黏膜白斑病无关,医生将对此进行病理分析,因此3日父亲才能出院。Kenji Fujimori said his father's stomach and years of oral leukoplakia has nothing to do, the doctor will conduct a pathological analysis, so the father can be discharged from hospital 3.

发现人口腔白斑与正常黏膜组织蛋白表达有明显差异,差异表达蛋白质点数共38个,主要是蛋白表达量的增加和减少,其中16个点在白斑中为高标达,22个点在白斑中为低表达。There were 16 protein spots in oral leukoplakia were higher expressed than those of oral mucosa. 22 protein spots in oral leukoplakia were lower expressed than those in normal oral mucosa.