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他住在本家附近。He lives near Ben.

这儿离新宿近吗?Am I near Shinjuku?

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他们就近前来。And they came near.

这一天临近了。The day draws near.

他是接近的。He is near -sighted.

它是近的木头海湾吗?Is it near Wood Bay?

还有我身旁你的玉体。Your body near mine.

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但是苊相信迩。But I believe in near.

它靠近伯恩茅斯。It's near Bournemouth.

她几乎要哭了。She was near to tears.

好险哪!That was a near thing!

它挨着贝克街。It's near Baker Street.

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我想问问附近有没有的士高?Is here a disco near by?

电力线已经很靠近了。The power cable is near.

我去垦丁附近远足。I go hiking near Kenting.

我站在讲台跟前I stand near this podium.

请问附近有没有的士高?。Is there a disco near by?

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它离金氏村很近。It's near King's Village.

它在航空售票处附近。It's near the Air Office.

真主的慈恩确是临近行善者的。The mercy of God is near.