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尤莉轻轻地叫了一声,面孔红得象一朵玫瑰,伸手扶住了栏杆。Cry, blushed like a rose, and leaned against the baluster.

一条断了的石栏杆竖在平台的前端,如同一条断腿。One broken baluster is placed on the pediment like a fractured leg.

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那么,它最多只是中国前进路上低矮的栏杆。So, it is the low baluster on Chinese ongoing journey only at most.

铁栏杆与铁栏杆之间,仅能容得下猴子的手臂伸出来。Iron and iron baluster between, only can hold the monkey arm outstretched.

为了您的安全,请不要攀爬栏杆或靠玻璃!Please don't climb a baluster or depend glass for the sake of your safety!

为了您的安全,请不要攀爬栏杆或靠玻璃!Please do not climb a baluster or depend glass for the sake of your safety!

尤莉轻轻地叫了一声,面孔红得象一朵玫瑰,伸手扶住了栏杆。Julie uttered a faint cry, blushed like a rose, and leaned against the baluster.

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桃台石栏柱端刻有护天神狮及莲花。There is guarding Lion of God and lotus carved at the stone baluster of the platform.

风雨桥是由各种大小和形状的桥柱、檩桁条和栏杆柱构筑的纯木制建筑。Is a pure wooden architecture consisting of pillars, purlin, and baluster in various sizes and shapes.

设计了一种公路收费站收费终端机,它具有收费输入、栏杆控制、车辆自动计数、语音提示、数码显示、视频叠加等功能。A terminal unit for road tollgates is designed. It is able to record the charge and to control the baluster.

另外栏杆不宜过密,注重形式上与建筑整体的和谐,以免影响视觉效果。Additionally baluster shoulds not be too close , notice formally and the harmony that build whole, lest affect visual result.

座基较宽,平台的转角处及四周栏下饰有螭首,作张口吐水状。The base is wide and there is dragon head decorated at the corner and under the baluster of the platform, opening the mouth to spray water.

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也可以与金属、木板等组合,用于扶手、栏杆及踏板处,起到减少空间压迫的装饰作用。Also can wait for combination with metal, board, use at armrest, baluster and footplate place, rise to reduce the adornment effect with oppressive space.

栏杆望柱采用莲瓣石榴头样式,栏板上部为三幅云雕刻净瓶,下部为双面莲花图案浮雕。Baluster hopes column uses type of head of lotus valve pomegranate, column board upside carves clean bottle for 3 cloud, bottom is anaglyph of double-faced lotus design.