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拿破仑被放逐到厄尔巴岛。Napoleon was banished to Elba.

拿破仑被放逐到厄尔巴岛的时间很短。Napoleon's exile to Elba was brief.

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拿破仑在1814年被放逐到厄尔巴岛。Napoleon was banished to Elba in 1814.

他随着拿破仑到了厄尔巴岛。He accompanied Napoleon to the Island of Elba.

从一封由厄尔巴岛发出的送给您的信上知道的。By a letter addressed to you from the Island of Elba.

埃尔巴是座落于托斯卡纳海岸外的美丽小岛。Elba is a small, scenic island off the coast of Tuscany.

我想问问你为什么要在厄尔巴岛停泊耽搁了一天半时间。I wished to inquire why you stopped at the Island of Elba?

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拿破仑从厄尔巴岛回来时,他拒绝到路旁去欢迎他。He refused to see him, as he passed through on his return from the island of Elba.

陛下,逆贼已在二月十八日离开了厄尔巴岛,三月一日登陆了。Well, sire, the usurper left Elba on the 26th February, and landed on the 1st of March.

两小时后,他又回到了甲板上,船已快要绕过厄尔巴岛了。Two hours afterwards he came on deck, as the boat was about to double the Island of Elba.

但我最后的记忆就是在厄尔巴岛的病榻上。But the last thing I remember I was going to bed from my fatal illness on the Isle of Elba.

他说丹特斯在厄尔巴岛上浪费相当多时间,他也提醒老板,指出丹特斯太年轻了。He said that Dantes had wasted time at the island of Elba. He also reminded his boss that Dantes was very young.

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他指挥一艘登陆艇参加了在进攻西西里和厄尔巴岛的战斗,之后又为南斯拉夫游击队运输补给。He commanded a landing craft taking part in the invasion of Sicily and Elba and later ferried supplies to the Yugoslav partisans.

他因为对王室忠心,所以升了一级,据说他就是最先把拿破仑从厄尔巴岛出走这个消息通知政府的人之一。His zeal had procured him advancement, and he was said to be one of the first who had informed the government of the departure from the Island of Elba.

墨西哥城法院指控墨西哥教师联盟主席莫拉莱斯被控非法挪用资金和阴谋罪。The head of Mexico's teachers union Elba Esther Gordillo has been formally charged with the use of illicit funds and conspiracy at a court in Mexico City.

一个黑暗的犯罪心理剧主演的路德,一个人用自己可怕的恶魔,谁可能会像他狩猎堕落危险的杀人犯伊德里斯埃尔巴挣扎。A dark psychological crime drama starring Idris Elba as Luther, a man struggling with his own terrible demons, who might be as dangerous as the depraved murderers he hunts.