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闯出去,重新宣布拥有自己的生活。Go out and reclaim your life.

让你的餐厅用桌面目一新吧!Reclaim Your Dining Room Table!

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他们通过围海造地扩大了多少面积呢How much land do they reclaim from the sea?

分析了我国废旧电池的回收利用现状。This paper analyzes the reclaim of waste cells.

这就是他们如何宣扬他们的人性。This is how they came to reclaim their humanity.

盼藉著拜恩的产品,重享大自然的福分。Reclaim Nature's Blessings, Through BN's Products.

他们的日常工作是用旧轮胎再生橡胶。Their daily work is to reclaim rubber from old tyres.

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我们必须收回他们的命运和信封在我们的。We need to reclaim their fates and envelop them in ours.

西宁废旧金属回收那个好?Does metal of Xining used and scrap reclaim that regards?

我费尽心机在做的就是改造、拯救语言。What I've tried very subtly to do is to reclaim language.

后者表示不会收回捐赠款。The federation said it has no plan to reclaim its donation.

然后他们把英国告上了法庭索取剩下的预付定金。Then they took Britain to court to reclaim the down payment.

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第二十四条禁止围湖造田。Article 24. It shall be forbidden to reclaim land from lakes.

他丰富的作战经验,使他的部队得以收复欧洲。His battle-tested skill equipped the troops to reclaim Europe.

目前中国没有回收汉高黏胶剂的途径。There is currently no way to reclaim Thomist adhesives in China.

不过远走他乡的山姆,从此再没回来重拾旧爱。But Sam, having sallied forth, never returns to reclaim his love.

有海水淡化、再生水和中水回用的相关背景知识。With a knowledge in desalination process, water reclaim and reuse.

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䵑“我来要求归还我的房产,”她向接待人员宣布。I've come to reclaim my property, " she announced to the desk clerk."

可以回收空闲的文件系统或磁盘空间以节省资源。You can reclaim unwanted file systems or disk space to save resources.

你的行李已经到了,请您换票,到交付口领取。Please change your check and reclaim your luggage at the delivery gate.