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历史生物地理学重建生物区系历史。Historical biogeography attempts to reconstruct the biota history of the earth.

云南罗平生物群是继贵州关岭动物群之后的又一新发现。The Luoping biota in Yunnan is another discovery following the Guanling biota in Guizhou.

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随着时间推移,一些过剩的碳14已被掩埋或整合在全球生物区中。Over time, some of the excess C-14 has become buried or incorporated in biota around the globe.

湿地是地球上具有重要环境功能的生态系统和多种生物的栖息地之一。Wetland is one of ecosystems with important environmental functions and habitats for various biota on the earth.

对瓮安生物群的深入研究将有助于进一步了解早期生命的起源和演化过程。The further study of Wengan Biota will be of benefit to the understanding of the genesis and evolution of early life.

本课程之目的,在使学生瞭解森林土壤生物的分类、形态,及其在土壤生态上之功能。The objective of this course is to introduce the taxonomy and biology of soil biota and their function in soil ecology.

三亚翼龙是三亚自然博物馆的镇馆之宝,它发现于热河生物群且落户三亚,故命名为三亚翼龙。Sanya Pterosaur is the most Precious in our museum. It was found in Jehol Biota and located in Sanya, so given the name.

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采用ERICA程序和RESRAD-BIOTA程序计算蟾蜍的剂量率,并与解剖学模型进行比较。The paper used ERICA tool and RESRAD- BIOTA code to calculate the dose rates of toad, comparing with the anatomical model.

但是极区冷水生物群除了藉助于「均变说」外,亦可利用重建古生物地理之方法来确认。However the polar cold water biota can be recognized either by a uniformitarian approach or by a palepbiogeographic approach.

基投曼如是说“这个形式的一致性暗示着所有地区的生物都受同一个生态学原则所制约。”The consistency of the pattern strongly implies that biota in all regions were responding to the same ecological constraints.

生物多样性是地球生命的基础,是指从动植物遗传组成到文化多样性的生物群的多样性。Biodiversity underpins life on Earth, and refers to the variety found in biota from genetic make up of plants an animals to cultural diversity.

热河生物群的研究还具有很大的潜力,而对化石的科学发掘和保护的任务还十分艰巨。The study of the Jehol Biota has a long way to go, while the scientific administration and protection of the fossil sites remains a pressing issue.

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生物扰动强度受水中含氧量、食物供给和沉积作用过程的制约。The strength of the bioturbation is affected and controlled by the oxygen content of the water, "feeding biota with food", and depositional process.

当北极冰层融化可能导致低纬度的植物和动物出现问题时,它却使北极生物区阳光明媚。While melting in the Arctic might cause problems for plants and animals at lower latitudes, it's creating a downright sunny situation for Arctic biota.

运用共存分析法定量重建了山旺中新世孢粉植物群形成时的各项气候参数的定量值。Using the coexistence approach of Mosbrugger and Utescher quantitative palaeoclimatic data has been obtained from the Shanwang biota for the first time.

北极的冰雪融化现象或许会给生活在低纬度的动植物带来诸多问题,同时也令北极生态区完全沐浴在明媚灿烂的阳光之中。While melting in the Arctic might cause problems for plans and animals at lower latititudes, it's creating a downright sunny situation for Arctic biota.

宽川铺生物群是陕南地区早寒武世早期一个以微体动、植物化石为特色的生物群。Kuanchuanpu biota is the Early Cambrian microfossil which is characterized as an early animal and plant fossil in the southern region of Shaanxi province.

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瑞沙,药品名扎那米韦,是治疗H1N1的另一种药物,由葛兰素史克旗下的澳大利亚生物群公司生产。Relenza, known generically as zanamivir, is the other drug recommended for use against H1N1 and is made by GlaxoSmithKline under license from Australia's Biota.

四川盆地二迭系是一个气候温暖、潮湿、生物极端繁盛的浅水碳酸岩台地。The Permian System in Sichuan basin is composed of shallow water carbonate rocks deposited on a platform in a warm and humid climate with very flourishing biota.

同位素测年技术的广泛应用,表明热河生物群属于早白垩世,在地球上延续了大约2千万年。The applications of various isotope-dating techniques have indicated that the Jehol Biota belongs to the Early Cretaceous, living on earth for around 20 million years.