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老师给我们的试卷打分时很公正。Our teacher is evenhanded when grading our papers.

奥巴马传达的信息是非常公平且具有外交性的。President Obama’s message was evenhanded and diplomatic.

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政府希望确保这些会议公平公正。The administration wants to ensure the meetings appear evenhanded.

评估确认价更能体现投资双方的公允、公正。Evaluate the evenhanded that affirms valence can reflect investment both sides more, justice.

自主考试也采取AB卷形式,力求公正公允,客观真实。Own examination also adopts AB to coil form, evenhanded of justice of do one's best, objective and true.

公司持有的交易性金融资产公允价值出现大幅下降。The company holds some trading value of evenhanded of sexual finance capital appears to drop considerably.

文化传统,如迷信,我们应该判断它时有着相当谨慎行为,要正确的和公平的着眼于这个问题。Cultural tradition such as superstition we should judge it with considerably careful, by using correct and evenhanded sight on this issue.

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资产计价是采用公允价值仍然账面价值,这是我国新会计准则在制定中所面临旳两难选择。Whether the evenhanded value or the value of account book is adopted is a dilemma in the new accountancy standards of our country in the establishment.

本文对公允价值在我国的应用进行了反思,提出了在我国应当限制使用公允价值的观点。The paper makes a brief historical retrospect of evenhanded value application and puts the standpoint that evenhanded value be restrainedly applied in our country.

有些人在第二轮中能够光明磊落,行事公允,他们忍气吞声,将“输掉”首轮的扫兴咽到肚子里,凭着自己的努力,赢得公平的结果。Some people played fair during the second round, swallowing their disappointment at "losing" the first time and making reasonable efforts to reach an evenhanded outcome.

但如果拂去政治的浮尘,较为平和地侧重以文学的眼光去看待柳永、权衡柳词,得出的结论就会比较地趋于公允。However, our conclusions would be much more evenhanded if we flick away the floating dust of politics, and look at Liu Yong and his Ci poetry more mildly from a literary point of view.

真实与公允观念一直是会计理论界争论颇多的一个话题,不同国家及至不同个人存在着不同的观点。True with evenhanded idea it is accountant theory all the time a topic with bound quite much debate, different individual puts different country until in the point of view with different move.