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大城门楼分为主楼和侧楼。City gatehouse into the main building and wing.

第一景观,大城门楼。The first landscape, the city of the gatehouse.

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红宫门楼为六柱五间牌坊式建筑。Red Palace gatehouse for the six-five Church architecture.

你创作阿芝台克人的大门的灵感是什么?What was your inspiration in creating the Aztec Gatehouse?

临街的门楼上,至今弹痕犹在。The gatehouse on the street, so far still ringing in binoculars.

根据计划,新闸口将于今年的十月份竣工。As per the plan, the new gatehouse is scheduled for completion by this October.

素朴的门楼立在青石台阶上,同门内高大瓦房相呼应。Naive gatehouse stand in bluestone steps, tile-roofed house with the door tall and echoes.

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大城门楼掩映于蓝天、绿树之中,古朴、自然、绚丽、不失宏重。Yan Ying in the city gatehouse blue sky, green trees, ancient, natural, beautiful, yet re-Acer.

他们还没骑到城堡,就有二十双眼睛从壁垒的门房探望出来。Before they reached the castle, twenty pairs of eyes were watching them from the gatehouse ramparts.

署衙大门都是坐北朝南,门楼设在中轴线上,以示森严威武。Former Department Official Ya door are sitting south, in the gatehouse of the central axis to show mighty guarded.

考古学家还在附近发现了一间门房和一座皇家宫殿,并在这座皇家宫殿的第一层发现了大量陶器碎片。Archaeologists also found a gatehouse and a royal building with a large amount of pottery shards at the ground floor.

客人从门房穿过,然后通过一条小路到达主人的居所。Guests pass through a gatehouse and then travel down a path that leads to a lodge, the main home and a guest dwelling.

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阿森纳徽章上的大炮和伍里奇市皇家兵工厂大门上的徽章极为相似。The cannon on the Arsenal crest bears great similarity with those on the crest of the Royal Arsenal Gatehouse in Woolwich.

这是一个多期工程,已完工的一期工程包括门房和客房、创作室及艺术家的居室。A multi-phase project, the completed Phase 1 consists of a gatehouse with housing and studio space for artists in residence.

大厅上冷清清地放着几乘轿子。三四个轿夫坐在门房的门槛上低声闲谈。A few sedan-chairs stood waiting while three or four carriers sat on the high threshold of the gatehouse talking in low tones.

门楼正中处一块约90公分、宽约50公分的石碑上刻着清代陶冶一笔写成的“鹅”字。The gatehouse at a median of about 90 cm, 50 cm wide engraved on the monument written in the Qing Dynasty cultivate a "goose".

在南京之行的最后一站是南京城的中华门,这座城门本身就是一座有4层城墙的城堡。The last place that we visited in Nanking were the gatehouse of old Nanking city, the gatehouse itself is a fort with 4 tiers of wall.

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祠由门楼、厢房及大殿等组成,另有明清时代的石碑数十方。Temple from the gatehouse , and the great hall rooms, and other components, and dozens of the Ming and Qing Dynasties era of the monument.

要求他们在进入之前在门卫室填写详细身份情况并阅读和理解安全要求。They are required to complete identification details at the Gatehouse and to read and acknowledge safety requirements prior to their entry.

欢迎校外人士来我馆利用欧盟赠送书刊。来者请到门房登记,无需使用复旦大学一卡通。Welcome readers from outside the university to use the publications sponsored by eu. please register in the gatehouse without needing to show fudan id card.