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五氯苯酚中所含的二恶英正是污染物。PCP contains dioxins as contamination.

防止咖啡中的赭曲霉毒素A污染Prevention of Ochratoxin A contamination in coffee

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井水和泉水没有污染。Springand well water should be free of contamination.

作业区是否有防污染措施?Are processing areas arranged to prevent contamination?

这意味着绝对没有核污染的风险吗?Does it mean absolutely no contamination with radiation?

患病的家禽家畜会引发更大规模的肉类感染。Sicker animals result in greater contamination on the meat.

所以,这次病毒感染是水污染引起的,应表述为。Water contamination was to blame for the norovirus outbreak.

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他表示三聚氰胺可能来自鸡饲料。He suggested the contamination may have come from animal feeds.

医用氧气具有纯度高,无任何污染。The purity of medical oxygen is high without any contamination.

这种空气流场结构有利于污染物的扩散。This kind of air flow field is good at contamination diffusion.

目的了解胃镜污染状况。OBJECTIVE To understand the status of gastroscope contamination.

试验表明,CT3-11具有抗温、抗污染能力。CT3-11 has the thermal stability and resistance to contamination.

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溅落在马桶座上的水是污染源。Water splashing on the toilet seat was a source of contamination.

尘土是茶叶加工过程中铅污染的主要原因。Dust was the main cause of Pb contamination during tea processing.

重金属污染是土壤污染的主要类型之一。Heavy metals contamination is the main type of soil contamination.

这是由于限制洋红色墨水与黄河的污染。That's due to limitation of magenta ink with yellow contamination.

经查,它们并未受到核污染。The investigation, they are not subjected to nuclear contamination.

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大约一半的社区花园面临被铅污染的危险。About half the community gardens are at risk for lead contamination.

污染可能会发生在食品链的许多环节上。Contamination can be introduced at many points along the food-chain.

林肯伊科六号在发现被污染后已被隔离。Lincoln Six Echo remains in quarantine after contamination exposure.