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如何制定紧急性和利用性行动措施?How to develop the contingent and exploitive actions?

沂蒙人民富有顽强的反压迫、反剥削的斗争精神。Yi-meng people have tenacious fighting spirit opposing oppress and exploitive.

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在本论文在撰写过程中,完全是按照软件工程的软件开发步骤。My thesis is according to the exploitive process of software engineering completely.

大多数人都不愿意把自己同一个贪婪的或剥削人的公司联系在一起。Most people do not want to be associated with a company that is seen as greedy or exploitive.

总结此技术的开发意义和对公司带来的经济效益。The exploitive significance of this technology and economic benefit for company are summarized.

属于拥有财产的阶级而且剥削工人阶级。According to Marxist thought being of the property-owning class and exploitive of the working class.

任何企图操纵经济剥削的方式可以有很大的负面影响的许多球员。Any attempts to manipulate the economy in exploitive ways can have a large negative impact on many players.

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要使其充分的发挥作用,这种方法要包括在谈判前和谈判中对对方作细致的研究。When best practiced, the exploitive style involves a careful study of counterparts before and during discussions.

我国目前经济领域中剥削现象的存在有其一定的现实“合理”性。The Existence of exploitive phenomena in currenteconomic field has its reasonableness in a certain sense at present.

有一个整体增长的行业提供解决方案,为单打,其中的大部分是肤浅,剥削,和毫无价值。There is a whole growth industry providing solutions for singles, much of which is shallow, exploitive , and worthless.

结果,女孩子初潮时间提前,并且形成对肉体关系的依赖,而男孩子则渐渐变得好斗,成为性侵犯者。As a result, girls reach menarche sooner and form clingy relationships, while boys become aggressive and sexually exploitive.

而且,批评家指出这些特殊车间的工资很低,对于能从事更独立的工作的人来说,是一种剥削。Additionally, critics charge that the very low wages sheltered workshops pay are exploitive for people capable of more independent work.

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如果没有,几乎可以肯定地说,因为人口增长和技术滥用,冲突、压力、破坏会进一步加剧。If we refuse, the strife, stress, and destruction will almost certainly intensify due to our ascending numbers and exploitive technology.

并研究评价了各个类型的岩溶水富集规律、动态特征、岩溶水资源、开发技术条件。In addition, the law of water enrichment, the regime and exploitive technical conditions of the karst water are also studied in the paper.

使用利用型谈判方法必须非常巧妙,因为没有对手如此铤而走险的欢迎或容忍无条件被利用。Exploitive styles must be conducted with great subtlety as very few counterparts are so desperate as to welcome or tolerate outright exploitation.

钻石这种公认为世界上最硬的天然物质,不但代表了精致的美丽,还代表了剥削非洲人民鲜血的剥削工业。Diamonds, the hardest-known natural substance, represent exquisite beauty to many but to some they also represent an exploitive industry that has fueled African bloodshed.

恒青电子在任何阶段都在不断探索、开拓,在雾霭重重中开辟一片全新的天地!Exploitive is a basis and means for Hengqing Culture. From any stages, Hengqing Electronics is always searching and exploiting, and opens up a brand new world in the darkness of smog.

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维持维基百科的附加值和商业资源开发体系会飞速扩张,同时这也必然导致大量无法预料的问题和争议。The ecosystem of value-added and exploitive businesses making a living off of Wikipedia will expand dramatically, which is bound to create plenty of unforeseen issues and controversies.