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他们又回到了藏身之处。They can return to the warehouse hideout.

警方追踪这名罪犯到他的躲藏处。The police tracked the criminal to his hideout.

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闯入谜语人的隐秘藏身所,实现你的复仇。Break into Riddler's secret hideout and exact your revenge.

我肯定它是我的祖先那么从前使用的隐藏处。I am certain it is the hideout my ancestors used so long ago.

丁卡·贝尔在地图上给胡克船长指出了他们的藏身地。On the map, Tinker Bell showed Captain Hook the secret hideout.

我们被带到他们在伊拉克卡吉尔山的藏身之处。We're taken deep into their hideout in Iraq's Cargill Mountains.

警方在恐怖分子的藏身地发现大批刀枪。The police found an arsenal of knives and guns in the terrorists' hideout.

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本拉登的住所里每天都运入了大量的百事可乐和可口可乐,哈哈,可口可乐和百事?Bin Laden apparently had truckloads of Coke and Pepsi brought into his hideout.

接着他来到他的海盗们面前,命令他们包围彼得·潘的隐居地。He then turned to his pirates and ordered them to surround Peter Pan's hideout.

法国领导下的部队现在的目标是将起义军从沙漠藏身处赶走。French-led forces will now have to aim at driving the rebels out of their desert hideout.

有我与我的兄弟姐妹分享了我的隐藏处,警察会桎梏我从前。Had I shared my hideout with my siblings , the police would have shackled me up long ago.

那里到处是灌木丛,我决定跑到那里,把它作为我的藏身之处。It's full of bushes and shrubs, and I decided to run over there and use it as my hideout.

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本拉登的住所里每天都运入了大量的百事可乐和可口可乐,哈哈,可口可乐和百事?Bin Laden apparently had truckloads of Coke and Pepsi brought into his hideout. Coke and Pepsi?

这个洞窟被髯海豹用来作为躲避严酷的北极气候的隐匿之所。This cave served as a hideout for a bearded seal seeking shelter from the harsh Arctic climate.

黄昏时,Murias的部队来到了格兰德河附近的一处牲口农场,他听说这儿是枪手们的一个藏匿点。At dusk , Murias' unit shows up at a cattle ranch near the Rio Grande that he hears is a hideout for gunmen.

1934年5月23日在路易斯安那州的边卫尔县一处隐蔽的地点,邦尼和克莱德被杀死。Bonnie and Clyde were killed May 23, 1934, on a desolate road near their Bienville Parish, Louisiana hideout.

在对塔利班藏匿地的一次突袭中,一个海豹队员在没有发现Norgrove在附近的情况下向一个反抗军成员投掷了一枚手榴弹。During a raid of a Taliban hideout a SEAL tossed a grenade at an insurgent not realizing that Norgrove was nearby.

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秋菊等人以为晓得肇庆藏身地的人越少越好,不断未向容易激动的阿泰阐明。Tears etc who thinks know zhaoqing hideout in the fewer the more good, constantly fails to agitated artest elucidated.

特种部队的士兵搜寻一个叛军高级指挥官的藏身之处长达五年后,碰巧找到了这个洞穴。Special forces' soldiers came across the caves after a five-year-long hunt for the secret hideout of a top Farc commander.

在某一天,下载毛拉·奥马尔和他的地方武装卫队在塔拉波拉的大山里的喋喋不休的录像。Once a week, download Mullah Omar and his posse of theocrats spittin' mad chatter from their hideout in the mountains near Tora Bora.