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百说不如一干。我觉得你们的领导人不够努力。Actions speak louder than words. I think your leader insufficiently diligently.

但是仅仅把巴斯夏作为一名经济学家看待,不足以评价他。But to think of Bastiat as just an economist is to insufficiently appreciate him.

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二是解决信用担保业发展不够的问题。The second is to resolve the problem that credit guarantee develops insufficiently.

许多英国人衣着寒伧,居住简陋,营养不良。Many of Britain's people are poorly dressed, badly housed, insufficiently nourished.

我知道我做得不够好,你说我从来没有在睡前给你打过电话,是的!I knew I do insufficiently well, you front said I in have not rested have telephoned to you, yes!

我可以想象得到,有些读者们可能会认为我对这些问题的表达不够客观。I suspect that some readers may find my presentation of these issues to be insufficiently balanced.

此外,由于预算政策失于稳妥,导致国家财政预算陷入困境。Elsewhere, state budgets are in distress as a result of insufficiently conservative budget policies.

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本文的理论基础是区域资金非充分自由流动理论,主要是“马太效应”理论。The rationale is the insufficiently free flow of regional capital theory, mainly the "Matai effect" theory.

背景——当前急性肢体缺血的临床治疗中对再灌注损伤重视不够。Background— Reperfusion injury is insufficiently addressed in current clinical management of acute limb ischemia.

当你的座位在合适的高度,但是平的或不够倾斜的时候,也会造成弯腰驼背。Having your seat at the right height, but having a flat or insufficiently tilted seat, is also a cause of slumping.

请求不够具体,致使检索到的数据要比所需的数据多得多。Insufficiently specific requests that retrieve far more data than is necessary to fulfill the desired functionality.

答案回结于现实上,中国高增长的经济体已经成为了跨国雄司能最快完成他们季度利润表的地方。The Chinese economy and its high growth engine is used to browbeat other countries viewed as growing insufficiently.

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但是让全世界知道你已经被认为不够有魅力——这是每个女人的噩梦。But having the whole world know that you've been deemed insufficiently attractive — now there's Everywoman's nightmare.

然而在新的物流环境下,传统成本核算方法已显露不足。But under the environment of new logistics, the traditional cost accounting method has already appeared insufficiently.

她们去年就曾闯入中网决赛,但因经验不足与冠军擦肩而过。Their once entered the net finals last year, but because was insufficiently experienced with the champion brushes past.

兴奋只是一两根弦的强烈振动,是情绪不足的特征。Excitement is the feature of an insufficiently emotional nature, the harsh vibrating discourse of but one or two chords.

截至2007年9月在尼日利亚被cVDPV感染的69名儿童中,有60名从未接受免疫接种或接种次数不足。Of the 69 children with cVDPV in Nigeria as of September 2007, 60 were either unvaccinated or insufficiently vaccinated.

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而孙悦现在的病情却遮遮掩掩,语焉不详,其中或许另有隐情。But the Sun Yue present's condition actually covers up, insufficiently detailed, perhaps in addition has the secret facts.

此等转变对电影制作以及电影工作者的工作环境有何影响至今仍未勾勒清楚。What exactly happened to the filmmaking business and filmmakers' working condition remains untold or insufficiently depicted.

在发现曼斯菲尔德的学校教的东西太过简单没有难度后,怀尔德,在她母亲的首肯下,留在了家里自学。Finding the school in Mansfield insufficiently challenging, Wilder, with her mother's consent, stayed home to educate herself.