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遵循互相尊重,平等互利,协商一致,自主自愿的原则。On the basis of respect, equality, consensus, and voluntarism.

不论如何,唯意志论者的核心观点的确与她的话有所共鸣。However, the key principles of voluntarism do echo with her words.

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唯意志论和盟约论神学一起塑造出霍布斯的主权者概念。Voluntarism and covenant theology together constitute Hobbes' conceptualization of sovereign.

这一思想具有鲜明的启蒙意义,又具有明显的唯意志论倾向和浓厚的道德主义色彩。The thought has clearly enlightening meaning, obvious tendency of voluntarism and colors of moralism.

当然,最终大首领与其他爱国者的建立成员不同,大首领拒绝了无政府军事主义,而转为拥抱唯意志论。In the end though, Big Boss rejects anarcho-militarism and unlike the other founding members of the Patriots, embraces voluntarism.

十月革命的发生、发展,体现了科学法则与唯意志主义间的悖论和理论与现实间的吊诡。In fact, its emergence and development represent the conflict between voluntarism and law of science and the paradox between theory and reality.

叔本华、尼采的唯意志论是一种哲学世界观,弗洛伊德的本能论则是一种心理哲学,二者之间具有一种内在关联,从而使弗洛伊德的思想汇入西方哲学源流之中。A. Schopenhauer's and F. W. Nietzsche's voluntarism is a kind of philosophical world outlook, while S. Freud's theory of instincts is a kind of psychical philosophy.

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剧本这一人文关怀的深层意蕴来自对弗洛伊德本能理论、叔本华和尼采唯意志主义的认同和改造。This implication of humanistic concern comes from O'Neill's acceptance and reform of Freud's theory of Unconsciousness and Voluntarism of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.

非营利领域一直依靠慈善,自愿捐助和政府补贴运做。创收被当作是额外收入。The nonprofit sector has traditionally been driven by a reliance on philanthropy, voluntarism , and government subsidy. Earned income has been viewed as something extra.

在此基础上,论文最后分析了唯意志主义和马克思主义的古希腊哲学观与中国传统思想之间的关系。Finally, on the basis of this, the paper analyzes the relationship between the viewpoint if ancient Greek philosophy of Voluntarism and Marxism and Chinese traditional thoughts.

如果这个国家很大一部分人想要绝对权力和唯意志论的话,那我们可能发现无视人民意见的情况将在我国盛行。We may find ourselves in a situation where absolute power and voluntarism that ignores people's opinions may prevail in our country, if a fairly large part of the nation wants it.

在此基础上,论文最后分析了唯意志主义和马克思主义的古希腊哲学观与中国传统思想之间的关系。Finally, on the basis of this, the paper analyzes the relationship be- tween the viewpoints of ancient Greek philosophy of Voluntarism and Marxism and Chinese traditional thoughts.

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存在主义作为现代西方哲学舞台上影响最大、流传最广的流派之一,其哲学观必然受唯意志主义的影响。Being considered as one of the most influential and widespread sects on contemporary western philosophy stage, existentialism is destined to be influenced by voluntarism profoundly.

另一种则可称是以摆脱人生苦痛、追求人生解脱和超越的悲观唯意志论,在王国维的“解脱”与“游戏”的文艺观中体现,使文学观念向审美超越的层面迈进。Another one kind which based on break away from pain and pursue transcendent , can called pessimistic voluntarism , reflect concertratly in "absolve" and "recreation" of Wang Guowei's theory.