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还有一个古怪的想法也同样有趣。One more oddball idea is equally interesting.

很奇特的,古怪的故事会使内容更具吸引力。Quirky, oddball stories make any content more compelling.

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请开始做答,我们在等你的答案……这可真是个稀奇古怪的问题,但它只是报考牛津大学及剑桥大学的学生们需要面临的众多奇怪问题中的一个。This is just one of the oddball questions asked to Oxbridge candidates.

那么这将是一种片面误解,希腊历史的古怪观点It would be a very oddball position to take for the rest of Greek history.

甚至只是对于土星的卫星土卫八粗略地一瞥,也足以表露出它的古怪。EVEN a cursory glance at Saturn's moon Iapetus reveals it to be an oddball.

最终,我放弃挣扎,也许观察高迪的作品能帮我理解这些新式古怪的全球性的城市风景。Maybe an inspection of Gaudí will help me understand the new oddball global cityscapes.

帕卡德渐渐明白了,这奇怪的物种是这块地的主要物种。The oddball species, Packard was coming to realize, were the main show of the clearings.

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他说,“我不想当混球、古古怪怪的人或者一事无成的人,我就是不知道将来会是什么样。”"I don't want to be an oddball or different or nothing, but I just don't know," he says.

但是事实证明,在他们的单子上有一个古怪的分子具有不寻常的特性。But an oddball substance right there on their own list, it turned out, had unusual properties.

然而下列运动实在是过于奇异和古怪,以至于苏格兰的冰上掷石游戏和它们相比竟都显得十分平常。However, these oddball sports are weird and wacky enough to make curling and skeleton seem pretty normal.

霍法有些古怪的习惯,他痴迷于魔方,在大的胜利之后使劲咀嚼火鸡腿。Hoffa has many oddball habits. He's obsessed with the Rubik's Cube. He chomps on turkey legs after a big win.

2000年的互联网泡沫被看作是奇奇怪怪的互联网公司美梦破灭的象征。The technology bubble's bursting in 2000 was supposed to put an end to the dreams of oddball Internet startups.

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性格古怪的偏执人可能会认为这里除了橄榄球没有别的,但是这里除了两半球的比赛之外还有很多看点。Oddball obsessives may think that it is all about the rugby, but there is much more to this than a game of two halves.

当然,一般来说很多稀奇古怪的佳肴你无法在其他地方找到,或者说,你会因此而更加渴望去品尝!However, this usually means there are some oddball delicacies you won’t find anywhere else – or want to try for that matter!

他的感情越疏远、举止越古怪得让人捉摸不透,反而更能让水瓶座女性迷上他。The more emotionally detached and unpredictable this oddball is in his actions, the more enthralled his Aquarian woman will be.

鸽子可以被养来在战区之间充当信使,它那一身华丽而又古怪的羽毛做成标本又可以获奖。Pigeons have been bred to serve as messengers across war zones and also as prize-winning specimens of spectacular and oddball plumage.

——面试官问这种奇怪的问题,是想看看你遇到特殊情况的反应有多快,或是看看你如何让自己不显得狼狈。Interviewers often ask these oddball questions to see how quickly you can think on your feet and whether you can avoid becoming flustered.

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这是一段和美国最新亿万富翁的坦诚的会谈,关于他们古怪的公司,关于他们如何驯服了网络还有为什么他们的公司信条是“不干坏事”。A candid conversation with America’s newest billionaires about their oddball company, how they tamed the web and why their motto is “Don’t be evil”

古怪的宗教信仰。慌张无聊的音乐。可悲的企图说服自己优势与印第安人有些许的联系。Oddball religions. Sappy boring music. Pathetic attempts to convince oneself of the superiority of anything connected with Indians. Non-Western medicine.

这样以来,研究团队也发现了42个怪胎清扫和温度的蓝色恒星和恒星亮度的典型比普通胀年轻得多的星星。In doing so, the SWEEPS team also uncovered 42 oddball blue stars with brightness and temperatures typical for stars much younger than ordinary bulge stars.